Vajradevi's picture

Uncontrived Mindfulness: ending suffering through attention, curiosity and wisdom

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Thu, 22 Jul, 2021 - 10:30

Uncontrived Mindfulness: ending suffering through attention, curiosity and wisdom

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Thu, 22 Jul, 2021 - 10:30

Led by Vajradevi

I’m running another online meditation retreat from Saturday 25th September to Friday 1st October 2021. The retreat is aimed at Order Members and Mitras and is offered on a Dana basis.

The emphasis will be on a relaxed, open, and attentive quality of ‘knowing’, receptive to whatever is happening within our experience. We will be cultivating mindfulness that is ‘uncontrived’ and natural and looking to bring ‘right view’ – a wisdom perspective - to each moment of awareness.

I’ll be drawing on...

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Going Forth in Speech

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 22 Jul, 2021 - 06:00

Marking the 50th anniversary of his own ‘Going Forth’ in India, Sangharakshita offers us his thoughts on the significance this adventure had for him and reflects on its relation to the Buddha’s search for Truth - with particular regard to actions of body, speech, and mind.

From the talk Reflections on Going Forth, 1997.

Subscribe to our Dharmabytes podcast - bite-sized inspiration three times every week! (Apple Podcasts)

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Free Buddhist Audio

Buddhism and Politics - Talk 3

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Thu, 22 Jul, 2021 - 00:00
In this third and final talk for Buddhist Action Month 2021, Vajragupta takes the Quakers' involvement in the 19th-century anti-slavery movement as a case study of what happens when spiritual communities get involved in political issues. He highlights the potential power of a small community inspired by ethics, but is also realistic about the challenges and dilemmas that political issues will bring into a spiritual community. Vajragupta then explores the principle and practice of "consensus" - the way by which spiritual communities make decisions, before rounding up by highlighting Triratna's Indian movement as successfully combining the transformation of self and world.
vimalamati's picture

International Order Office post OM

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Wed, 21 Jul, 2021 - 09:43

International Order Office post OM

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Wed, 21 Jul, 2021 - 09:43

The International Order Office team are looking for an Order member who is inspired and enthusiastic about the Order to take on a major role in the International Order Office, providing a wide range of services to the Order and supporting the work of the International Order convenors and the convening network.

The person appointed will need a good understanding of the Order and the bodies that support it.

The role requires excellent organisational, administrative and management skills and the capacity to work as...

parami's picture

Ordinations at Tiratanaloka

From College of Public Preceptors on Tue, 20 Jul, 2021 - 18:20

Ordinations at Tiratanaloka

From College of Public Preceptors on Tue, 20 Jul, 2021 - 18:20

We are delighted to announce that the public ordination of the following women took place at Tiratanaloka at 2pm BST on 20th July 2021

Public Preceptor Parami:

Sarah Wellard becomes Kiranasri (dot under the ’n’, accent over the ’s’ and long last ‘i’) a Sanskrit name meaning “She who has the Radiance of a Moonbeam (of Bodhichitta).”
Registered spelling Kiranasri
Private preceptor Prajnadevi

Lynne Marie Eccleston becomes Taralocana (long first, second and last ‘a’s) a...

parami's picture

Ordinations at Tiratanaloka

From Order Connection on Tue, 20 Jul, 2021 - 18:19

Ordinations at Tiratanaloka

From Order Connection on Tue, 20 Jul, 2021 - 18:19

Dear Order members,

We are delighted to announce that the public ordination of the following women took place at Tiratanaloka at 2pm BST on 20th July 2021

Public Preceptor Parami:

Sarah Wellard becomes Kiranasri (dot under the ’n’, accent over the ’s’ and long last ‘i’) a Sanskrit name meaning “She who has the Radiance of a Moonbeam (of Bodhichitta).”
Registered spelling Kiranasri
Private preceptor Prajnadevi

Lynne Marie Eccleston becomes Taralocana (long first, second and last...

The Abhayaratna Trust's picture
The Abhayaratna...

Closing our India Covid appeal

From Abhayaratna Trust on Tue, 20 Jul, 2021 - 16:00

Closing our India Covid appeal

From Abhayaratna Trust on Tue, 20 Jul, 2021 - 16:00

We will soon close our appeal to help Order members and their families in India, who have been affected by the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic. In the meantime, if you still wish to make a donation you can still do so here;!/DonationDetails

We have now raised £191,600.

So thank you again to all who have donated to this appeal; sadhu!

The Order convenors in India are meeting soon to make a longer term plan, as the hardships from this crisis are likely to...

Dhammadinna's picture

Resignation of Shrijnana

From Order Connection on Tue, 20 Jul, 2021 - 07:17

Resignation of Shrijnana

From Order Connection on Tue, 20 Jul, 2021 - 07:17

Dear Order Members,

Shrijnana has written to me as her Public and Private Preceptor to let me know that she wishes to resign from the Order and I have accepted her resignation.

She was ordained in 2001 in Tuscany, and lives in New Hampshire.  She explains why she wishes to resign in her letter, but in her initial letters to me she says she does want to stay in touch with all of her friends, including...

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Free Buddhist Audio

Love, Life and Death - Working On Mental Health's Frontline During the Covid-19 Pandemic

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Tue, 20 Jul, 2021 - 00:00
Karunavajra gives a Sangha night talk exploring the relationship between his Buddhist practice and its impact on working on the mental health frontline during the pandemic.
ratnadharini's picture

An Invitation to a Forum with Members of the Preceptors’ College

From Order Connection on Mon, 19 Jul, 2021 - 07:38

An Invitation to a Forum with Members of the Preceptors’ College

From Order Connection on Mon, 19 Jul, 2021 - 07:38

Dear Order Members

We’re writing with an invitation to you to join us for a forum with members of the Preceptors’ College.
Much care and concern has been expressed in response to the recent case of expulsion, and following our College meeting two weeks ago, we wanted to organise a context to include as many Order members as possible in this important discussion about how we respond to ethical issues in the Order. 

This event...
