Karmavajra's picture

Death of Dhammachari Shakyapala

From Order Connection on Fri, 3 Sep, 2021 - 12:42

Death of Dhammachari Shakyapala

From Order Connection on Fri, 3 Sep, 2021 - 12:42

Dear brothers and sisters,

I am very sad to inform you that Dhammachari Shakyapal passed away last night around 12.00 midnight at the age of 79.   He was hospitalised yesterday for his asthma treatment.

He was ordained on 19 March 1992, Dhammachari Suvajra was his private preceptor and Subhuti has given him the public ordination. He was a very humble and kind man and made efforts in his spiritual life in a very difficult situation. He worked and support our social project in various places in...

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Experiencing Wisdom Through Faith

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 2 Sep, 2021 - 06:00

Saccanama explores shraddha, often translated as ‘faith’, as the emotional counterpoint of wisdom. It’s not a foundation for insight to arise, but rather it’s the equivalent of perceptual, cognitive insight experienced through reverence, worship and devotion.

From the talk entitled The Roots of Faith recorded at the Swedish Summer Retreat at Dharmagiri, July 2019. This talk is part of the series ‘To Place the Heart Upon’ - Exploring Faith in Buddhism.


Saddhajoti's picture

Mensaje de la nueva directora

From Centro Budista de Cuernavaca on Tue, 31 Aug, 2021 - 18:59

Mensaje de la nueva directora

From Centro Budista de Cuernavaca on Tue, 31 Aug, 2021 - 18:59

Estimados amigos y amigas:
Deseo que ustedes y sus seres queridos se encuentren en paz y a salvo en estos tiempos de incertidumbre y de desazón. No cabe duda de que el mundo, nuestro país y nuestra sociedad en su conjunto está viviendo retos muy profundos y a muchos niveles. Y probablemente en el corto y mediano plazo seguiremos experimentando desafíos arduos y complejos. Pero afortunadamente tenemos el Dharma (el camino hacia la emancipación) y desde la...

Vassika's picture

Death of Varadakini

From Order Connection on Tue, 31 Aug, 2021 - 11:08

Death of Varadakini

From Order Connection on Tue, 31 Aug, 2021 - 11:08

Dear fellow Order members,

I am writing to let you know of the death of Varadakini. She left the Order in 2011 but she was a very alive presence in the Order and contributed to the lives of so many of us.

Varadakini was ordained in 1993 by Ratnasuri, her name given by Bhante. Having met the movement in West London, she lived and worked at Taraloka and in Cambridge before, at Bhante’s request, in 1997, moving back to her native France to set...

suryanaga's picture

The Opening of Urgyen House to Visitors

From Triratna News on Thu, 26 Aug, 2021 - 15:46

The Opening of Urgyen House to Visitors

From Triratna News on Thu, 26 Aug, 2021 - 15:46

Last weekend at Adhisthana, Urgyen House was opened to visitors with a moving dedication led by Saddhanandi. Two new Order Members, Āryaniśa and Vilāsamuni, cut the ribbon to open the house officially.

The place is significant, as it was Urgyen Sangharakshita’s home for the last 5 years of his life. His bedroom and living room have been left exactly as they were the day he died. His living room was where he met hundreds (if not thousands) of visitors in his last years,...

Karunadevi's picture

Ordination in San Francisco

From College of Public Preceptors on Mon, 30 Aug, 2021 - 18:14

Ordination in San Francisco

From College of Public Preceptors on Mon, 30 Aug, 2021 - 18:14

I am delighted to announce that the public ordination of Mary Salome from San Francisco, CA took place at the San Francisco Buddhist Center on August 29, 2021.

Mary Salome becomes Rodashruti (the a, u and i are short, accent on the first and third syllable)
a Sanskrit name meaning “She who listens to the cries of the world.”

Registered spelling Rodashruti

Private preceptor Vimalasara
Public preceptor Karunadevi


Karunadevi's picture

Ordination in San Francisco

From Order Connection on Mon, 30 Aug, 2021 - 18:13

Ordination in San Francisco

From Order Connection on Mon, 30 Aug, 2021 - 18:13

Dear Order members,

I am delighted to announce that the public ordination of Mary Salome from San Francisco, CA took place at the San Francisco Buddhist Center on August 29, 2021.

Mary Salome becomes Rodashruti (the a, u and i are short, accent on the first and third syllable)
a Sanskrit name meaning “She who listens to the cries of the world.”

Registered spelling Rodashruti

Private preceptor Vimalasara

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Reaching Out Into the World

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 30 Aug, 2021 - 06:00

How do we make this Buddhist path available now and into the future? Vidyamala is committed to bringing the Dharma out into the world in a way that they can hear it, practice it, live it.

From the talk entitled What the World Needs - Looking Ahead 50 Years given at the 2017 International Retreat at Adhisthana.

Subscribe to our Dharmabytes podcast - bite-sized inspiration three times every week! (Apple Podcasts)


Sadayasihi's picture

FBA Podcast: The Power of Initiation

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 28 Aug, 2021 - 06:00

Here Jnanavaca discusses how Tantric Buddhism is concerned with the direct experience of who we are and what we can become. Its aim is to help us realize our potential by transforming the energy locked in by old habits, fears, and views.

Talk given at London Buddhist Centre, 2020.

Subscribe to our Dharmabytes podcast - bite-sized inspiration three times every week! (Apple Podcasts)

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