Ever thought of living in a Buddhist Community? Place available at Maitrimandal, an LBC women’s community
One permanent space for Order Members and Mitras is available in our lovely, friendly community, near the LBC, in the heart of east London.
We are a community of Order Members and experienced GFR Mitras (plus 1 elderly cat). We live on a tree-lined street, 3 minutes from a glorious park. We also share a beautiful garden with 2 neighbouring communities.
We all contribute to household tasks such as food-shopping, cleaning,...
Sunday November 21 Sangha, spiritual community, can be described as a network of friendships based on what’s of most value. In the company of those committed to the Buddha’s teachings – past and present – we can express and deepen metta, loving-kindness, in our deeds, words and thoughts.
This year’s International Sangha Day celebration focuses on communication because communication is a crucial part of the practice and development of Sangha. At its worst, communication can cause conflict and confusion, polarisation and the...
Bodhivajra talks about Enlightenment in a direct and very down-to-earth way, making the whole notion of Enlightenment more accessible, approachable, and relevant.
We were very pleased to organise a Meditation Introduction Retreat for Transgender People at Bordharan. Participants said the retreat had a very positive impact, and they want to join in with another retreat in future.
Shanaya, who is the leader of this group asked us to organise such a retreat again.
We are very much thankful to the donors for making this retreat possible to happen.
The next three volumes in the Complete Works have just been released, bringing the total number of published volumes to eighteen. With another nine volumes to go, we’re now officially two thirds of the way through the project. To mark this milestone, the chief editor, Vidyadevi, has written a Complete Works update.
Tantric Buddhism developed outside the monasteries in small groups gathered around magical, shamanic gurus. In this talk Vadanya explores what magic is and how we can bring mystery into the forefront of life as an act of ‘war against the ordinary’.
In a series on Right Effort, Dharmashalin gives a Sangha night talk exploring the questions what are we trying to achieve? And is it worth our life energy?
Karunavajra gives a talk at the about Vajrasattva, and how he can help and inspire us in these times of transition. Vajrasattva is a beautiful Buddha figure embodying essential Dharma truths. He symbolises the teaching that we are in possession of enormous riches and we don’t realise it.
I am very sad to inform you that Dhammachari Shakyapal passed away last night around 12.00 midnight at the age of 79. He was hospitalised yesterday for his asthma treatment.
He was ordained on 19 March 1992, Dhammachari Suvajra was his private preceptor and Subhuti has given him the public ordination. He was a very humble and kind man and made efforts in his spiritual life in a very difficult situation. He worked and support our social project in various places in...