lokabandhu's picture

Triratna Training Course ends; another one planned for 2012

From Triratna News on Wed, 27 Jul, 2011 - 23:16

Triratna Training Course ends; another one planned for 2012

From Triratna News on Wed, 27 Jul, 2011 - 23:16Vidyaruci writes from Birmingham UK with news of the end of the first Triratna Training Course - and plans for another one! He says - “24th June saw end of the Triratna Training Course, a six-month, full-time, intensive Dharma training course for men, based at Madhyamaloka, Birmingham.

“The occasion was marked with a certificate ceremony for the students, as depicted in the photograph. There was also time, in the last few days of the course, for plenty of...
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

A Lotus Blooms In the Fire

From Glasgow Buddhist Centre on Wed, 27 Jul, 2011 - 01:00
This is a talk for Padmasambhava Day 2008 at the Glasgow Buddhist Centre. Suriyavamsa takes a painting of Padmasambhava's Pure Land, Zangdog Palri, and through this visual key gives us an introduction to the Lotus Guru and how he functions as a teacher and guide. Suriyavamsa drwas on his personal connection with Padmasambhava and the legends surrounding his miraculous life. This is a very lively and instructive talk and is a great introduction to the figure of Padmasambhava.
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Free Buddhist Audio


From Glasgow Buddhist Centre on Wed, 27 Jul, 2011 - 01:00
Kuladharini explores what it's like to be an example of the fourth sight in the world, to be a visible embodiment of dharma practice. Using the metaphors of the begging bowl, robes and shaved head she shares three ways in which she has gone forth as a visible example of a dharma farer.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Padmasambhava and the Sacred Groves

From Glasgow Buddhist Centre on Wed, 27 Jul, 2011 - 01:00
Suriyavamsa begins by asking why, of all the teachers on the Triratna Buddhist Order Refuge Tree, is Padmasambhava the only teacher with his own festival? He describes how Padmasambhava brought the Dharma to Tibet, encountering and transforming inhospitable forces he encountered there. He then gives us four things that help to make us more receptive to the Dharma so that we're not prey to our demons and are acknowledging the legacies of our ancestors.
Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Welcome to The Buddhist Centre!

From Triratna News on Sun, 24 Jul, 2011 - 10:58

Welcome to The Buddhist Centre!

From Triratna News on Sun, 24 Jul, 2011 - 10:58Welcome to thebuddhistcentre.com, a new home online for the Triratna Buddhist Community and a place of practice for all who share our love of the Buddha’s path.

This is a ‘transition space’ – our first public step towards a comprehensive Dharma site and social network serving Buddhist communities around the world. We hope you’ll enjoy the glimpses here and on our social web pages of what’s in store – and that you’ll come back again and again. You can...
