Viryabodhi's picture

Karuna Sverige

From Stockholms buddhistcenter on Wed, 15 Aug, 2012 - 21:08

Karuna Sverige (group)

From Stockholms buddhistcenter on Wed, 15 Aug, 2012 - 21:08

Karuna är ett sanskritord som betyder ”medkänsla i handling, grundad på visdom”. Organisationen grundades 1980 av personer knutna till Buddhistiska gemenskapen Triratna (f.d. FWBO/VBV) och vägleds av buddhistiska värderingar. Karuna började arbeta tillsammans med Indiens daliter – en grupp som förtrycks på grund av ett kastsystem som gett dem namnet ”oberörbara”. Buddhismen har haft en viktig frigörande roll för många daliter i Indien. Karuna arbetar numera också med andra utsatta grupper som ursprungsbefolkningar och tibetanska flyktingar. Verksamheten är...

Dhivan Thomas Jones's picture
Dhivan Thomas Jones

Western Buddhist Review relaunched

From Western Buddhist Review on Tue, 14 Aug, 2012 - 16:56

Western Buddhist Review relaunched

From Western Buddhist Review on Tue, 14 Aug, 2012 - 16:56The Western Buddhist Review has quite a long history. Issue 1 was published in 1994, edited by Kamalashila, while he was still living at Vajrakuta in North Wales, at that time the study centre of the FWBO. Issue 2 was published in 1997, and Issue 3 in 2001. All three were published in paperback format, with handsome designs by Dhammarati. Issue 3 was also published on-line, and Issues 4 (2004) and 5 (2010), edited by Nagapriya and Jñanaketu respectively,...
Rijupatha's picture

New Dharmabyte: "The Show of Wealth" by Vajratara

From Free Buddhist Audio on Tue, 14 Aug, 2012 - 15:37

New Dharmabyte: "The Show of Wealth" by Vajratara

From Free Buddhist Audio on Tue, 14 Aug, 2012 - 15:37Today’s FBA Dharmabyte, “The Show of Wealth,” is an excerpt from the talk “Padmasambhava and the King of Tibet” another tour-de-force from Vajratara. Looking to approach the great figure of Padmasambhava – the ‘Second Buddha’ – through his famous meeting with the King of Tibet. As ever, a provocative, fully engaged and fully engaging take on the Dharma and the challenges that face us on the Path.

Talk given at Sheffield Buddhist...
Viryanaga's picture

Urban Retreat 2012

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 14 Aug, 2012 - 10:40

Urban Retreat 2012

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 14 Aug, 2012 - 10:40Maitreyabandhu and Subhadramati explains what the Urban Retreat is.
lokabandhu's picture

Guided video meditations in Russian, Turkish, French and English - and an appeal for Translators...

From Triratna News on Mon, 13 Aug, 2012 - 12:54

Guided video meditations in Russian, Turkish, French and English - and an appeal for Translators...

From Triratna News on Mon, 13 Aug, 2012 - 12:54Triratna has a growing number of non-English introductions to Buddhism and meditation available online, and today we have news of three new offerings: guided meditation videos in French, Russian and Turkish, courtesy of Order members Suvannavira in Moscow and Vajracaksu in Istanbul.

Suvannavira writes saying “The idea was to have full-length video guided meditations on the body that people could meditate along with, and use to receive basic instruction on posture for meditation. They can also serve as resources...
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Continuous Spiritual Death - Continuous Spiritual Rebirth

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Mon, 13 Aug, 2012 - 00:00
Padmavajra speaks about the stages of spiritual death and rebirth. How to prepare for them, how they can be seen in all the stages of the path, as well as where they lead.

Talk given on a Kula Gathering at Padmaloka, 2012.
jvalamalini's picture

Sailing the Worldly Winds: A Buddhist way through the ups and downs of life

From book reviews on Sat, 11 Aug, 2012 - 00:35

Sailing the Worldly Winds: A Buddhist way through the ups and downs of life

From book reviews on Sat, 11 Aug, 2012 - 00:35‘Sailing the Worldy Winds: A Buddhist Way Through the Ups and Downs of Life’ by Vajragupta. Windhorse Publications, 2011.

This little gem of a book is well worth reading. It is tardis-like: it looks little but synthesises a lot of material. Vajragupta initially introduces the eight worldly winds quite simply, then explores them through Dharma practice, meditation and looking more deeply at the winds in the light of ‘pratitya-samutpada’ or conditioned co-production. He challenges the views and beliefs of...
jvalamalini's picture

book reviews

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Fri, 10 Aug, 2012 - 13:28

book reviews (group)

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Fri, 10 Aug, 2012 - 13:28

Dharma book reviews by the Triratna Buddhist Community in Bristol - share your thoughts here about books you’ve read, whether yours or borrowed from our library.

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Flaming Sword of Wisdom

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 10 Aug, 2012 - 01:00
A talk by Vadanya about Manjugosha given as part of a series of talks on Stories and Symbols at Sheffield Buddhist Centre on 26th June 2007.
