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Free Buddhist Audio

Vajrapani The Dharma Protector

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 10 Aug, 2012 - 01:00
A talk by Vadanya on Vajrapani given as part of a series of talks on Stories and Symbols at Sheffield Buddhist Centre on 3rd July 2007.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Spiritual Death and Spiritual Rebirth

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 10 Aug, 2012 - 01:00
A talk by Vadanya on Spiritual Death and Rebirth given as part of a series of talks on Stories and Symbols at Sheffield Buddhist Centre on 8th May 2007.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Stuck In a Rut

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 10 Aug, 2012 - 01:00
A talk by Vadanya given as part of a series of talks on Stories and Symbols at Sheffield Buddhist Centre on 8th May 2007.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Lost Causes

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 10 Aug, 2012 - 01:00
A talk by Vajratara given as part of a series of talks on Stories and Symbols at Sheffield Buddhist Centre on 22nd May 2007.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Compassion Embodied

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 10 Aug, 2012 - 01:00
A talk by Vajratara about Avalokiteshvara given as part of a series of talks on Stories and Symbols at Sheffield Buddhist Centre on 5th June 2007.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Positive Emotion

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 10 Aug, 2012 - 01:00
A talk by Vadanya on positive emotion given as part of a series of talks on myths and symbols at Sheffield Buddhist Centre on 27th March 2007.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Jewel In the Lotus

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 10 Aug, 2012 - 01:00
A talk by Punyamala on the symbol of the Jewel in the Lotus given as part of a series of talks on Stories and Symbols at Sheffield Buddhist Centre on 17th April 2007.
Rijupatha's picture

Today's Dharmabyte episode: "The Bodhisattva's Gifts" by Padmavajra

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 9 Aug, 2012 - 18:37

Today's Dharmabyte episode: "The Bodhisattva's Gifts" by Padmavajra

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 9 Aug, 2012 - 18:37Today’s FBA Dharmabyte, “The Bodhisattva’s Gifts,” by Padmavjra, is from the third talk in the series: “The Diamond Sutra – Taking Mind to its Limits.” Padmavajra takes a look into the world of the Bodhisattva and the six Perfections of Wisdom, especially dana – generosity which forms an essential basis of Buddhist practice and of life.

Subscribe to the Dharmabytes podcast stream:
bodhinaga's picture

Resources from the Vegan Feast Day

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Thu, 9 Aug, 2012 - 18:13
For all those who attended the Vegan Feast Day, or who weren’t able to, here are a number of useful electronic resources from Vegan nutritional expert, Jane Easton, such as sample menus and nutritional info.
File NameSize
Lunch Munch final.pdf1.14 MB
MF meal plan2.pdf86.85 KB
MF Recipes2.pdf109.87 KB
The veganiser.pdf112.47 KB
Resources.pdf270.83 KB
khemajoti's picture

shop refurbishment...

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Thu, 9 Aug, 2012 - 15:27

shop refurbishment...

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Thu, 9 Aug, 2012 - 15:27….is going ahead full steam at the moment with lots of enthusiastic volunteers giving their time and energy.
