From Triratna News on Tue, 16 Apr, 2013 - 05:49At the heart of the Triratna Buddhist Community is the Triratna Buddhist Order, today consisting of some 1800 ordained men and women across the world. Voluntary donations from members of the Order fund the ‘Order Office’ and its ever-growing work of coordinating such a diverse and far-flung community. There’s a lot more they want to do - and they’re launching the Maitrijala fundraising campaign to help make it happen! Amalavajra writes to say -
Hridayacandra återger Jataka-berättelsen om Guldhjorten, även kallad Banyan-hjorten. Hon ger sina reflektioner på denna berättelse från Pali Kanon, som handlar om medkänsla och icke-våld.
Ratnadakini, ordained in 1983, gives a talk about her spiritual life. Part of the "Women Elders of the Triratna Buddhist Community" series at the LBC women's class.
Talk given at the LBC's Women's Class on March 21st 2013
From Triratna News on Sat, 13 Apr, 2013 - 05:25Tomorrow - April 14th - sees the 122nd anniversary of the birth of Dr. Ambedkar, inspiration to many millions of India’s ‘Dalits’ and leader of their mass conversion to Buddhism in 1956. As our way of celebrating this important date in Triratna’s calendar, we’re delighted to offer you this link to ‘Ambedkar’, the 2000 movie by Jabbar Patel. It’s the story of his life, struggles, and ultimate conversion to Buddhism - and winner of three India National Awards...