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Free Buddhist Audio

Reaching Out - Communicating the Dharma From Our Appreciation, Courage and Conviction

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Thu, 4 Apr, 2013 - 01:00
'The dharma changes lives, it has changed our own and it can change others.'

Buddhism is a communication, the Buddha, gained Awakening and shared his experience with others which has led us to be here today. This is the origins of Outreach, taking the Dharma to others.

I have started working for the Birmingham Buddhist Centre to do just that, continuing a strong tradition here of taking the Dharma out. But, that communication needs to be grounded in our own awareness and appreciation of what we have benefitted from.

We can all cultivate this awareness and in fact any time we take the risk to tell others about our values - that is a moment of outreach. All of us associated with the Centre can do this, and together we can help spread the Dharma more and more widely.
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Steer to the Deep: introducing the Padmaloka one-year intensive retreat

From Triratna News on Tue, 2 Apr, 2013 - 13:39

Steer to the Deep: introducing the Padmaloka one-year intensive retreat

From Triratna News on Tue, 2 Apr, 2013 - 13:39Sanghanistha writes from Padmaloka, Triratna’s retreat centre in Norfolk and home of the European men’s ordination training process. They’re planning a one-year intensive - a course of retreats and other events open to men who’ve asked for ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order. He says -

“The course starts at Padmaloka with our Going for Refuge retreat at the beginning of July. After that we pack up our rucksacks and travel down to Devon to be part...
Rijupatha's picture

Vajra Bell - Spring 2013

Vajra Bell - Spring 2013

From Aryaloka Buddhist Center on Sat, 30 Mar, 2013 - 00:42In this issue of the Vajra Bell newsletter:

• What Does “Engaged Buddhism” Mean to You?
• Sangha updates from the U.S. and Canada
• Meditation Marathon fundraising event kicks off in June
• Upcoming retreats at Aryaloka
• Reflections on Nonviolent Communication
• Men’s Retreat Planned
• “Being Prepared for Teaching” by Narottama
• Starting Out as a Vegetarian
• Arts events & sangha poetry
• Movie Review: “The U.S. vs. John Lennon
• Going...
Ratnagarbha's picture

Conference on art and society & Mindful Artists Network

From Urthona - A Journal of Buddhism and the Arts on Fri, 29 Mar, 2013 - 14:40

Conference on art and society & Mindful Artists Network

From Urthona - A Journal of Buddhism and the Arts on Fri, 29 Mar, 2013 - 14:40This event organised by people from the Interbeing Sangha may be of interest to Triratna folk who are keen on the arts and issues of how the arts can transform society.


Copy of letter from the organiser SUSANNE OLBRICH:

Dear friends,we would like to bring to your and your sangha’s awareness the international Mindful Artists Network with its first artists’ retreat “The Heart of Creativity” in June 2013, in Findhorn/Scotland.

We would...
Vidyatara's picture

The 2nd International Council at work

From Triratna International Council on Wed, 27 Mar, 2013 - 16:59

The 2nd International Council at work

From Triratna International Council on Wed, 27 Mar, 2013 - 16:59
Snap shots of how the members of the 2nd International Council came together to work during the meeting.
Vidyatara's picture

Day 2: Yashosagar chanting verses from the Dhammapada

From Triratna International Council on Tue, 26 Mar, 2013 - 21:47
Part of Day 2’s programme focusing on the theme ‘Intensifying practice - collective and personal’.

Well this is just about the sweetest bonus of any Dharma talk - when the speaker breaks into song and sings of the happy life…

Yashosagar Chanting a Verse from the Dhammapada (from his talk on working against ego-clinging).

Vidyatara's picture

Day 2: Yashosagar talks on 'Intensifying practice - collective & personal'

From Triratna International Council on Tue, 26 Mar, 2013 - 21:44
Part of Day 2’s programme focusing on the theme ‘Intensifying practice - collective and personal’.

Yashosagar speaking (and singing!) about how to deepen your practice of the Dharma in all conditions, from community living to marriage.

Introduction by Amrutdeep.

Vidyatara's picture

Day 2: Varadevi talks on 'Intensifying practice - collective & personal'

From Triratna International Council on Tue, 26 Mar, 2013 - 21:41
Part of Day 2’s programme focusing on the theme ‘Intensifying practice - collective and personal’.

Varadevi on her life working for the Dharma, and particularly her years helping found an intensive meditation community for women in Australia.

Introduction by Vajrajyoti.

Vidyatara's picture

Day 2: Saddhajoti talks on 'Intensifying practice - collective & personal'

From Triratna International Council on Tue, 26 Mar, 2013 - 21:39
Part of Day 2’s programme focusing on the theme ‘Intensifying practice - collective and personal’.

A great talk by Saddhajoti, centred on her moving story of the earthquake that devastated Mexico City in the 1980s, and the coming together of the population in the aftermath…

Introduction by Parami.
