Steer to the Deep: introducing the Padmaloka one-year intensive retreat
Sanghanistha writes from Padmaloka, Triratna’s retreat centre in Norfolk and home of the European men’s ordination training process. They’re planning a one-year intensive - a course of retreats and other events open to men who’ve asked for ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order. He says -

"The course starts at Padmaloka with our Going for Refuge retreat at the beginning of July. After that we pack up our rucksacks and travel down to Devon to be part of Buddhafield until the beginning of October. We'll be living the Buddhafield lifestyle for that time, outdoors, helping set up the conditions that support people to be able to engage with the Dharma. This will also include being involved with the Buddhafield Festival. After that we’ll change mode, still with Buddhafield, and take part in their 4 week Total Immersion Retreat, a largely silent meditation retreat and led by Paramananda, Padmadharini and Maitridevi.

We then return to Padmaloka, and from mid-October, until January 2014 take part in Padmaloka life and retreats. In January, the next phase of the course is at Guhyaloka in Spain for 4 weeks, on their working retreat: a spectacular venue for a retreat. After that its back to Padmaloka, and pick up with the life and retreats there until early Summer in 2014, when there is the possibility of doing a Karuna Door-Knocking Appeal: a spiritually challenging, fun and altruistic way to finish the year!"

For more information, please email them on