padmatara's picture

Mitra Study resumes Monday Nov 24

From SFBC Mitra Study on Mon, 10 Nov, 2014 - 18:20

Mitra Study resumes Monday Nov 24

From SFBC Mitra Study on Mon, 10 Nov, 2014 - 18:20Mitra Study will resume Monday Nov 24 and will continue on Mondays through December 15. We will study the units that we have not covered on Wednesday nights from the module “What is the Sangha?”.
These are:

Unit 2: The Traditional Sangha and the History of the Spiritual Community

Unit 5: Effective Going for Refuge and the Third Order of Consciousness

Unit 6 – Is a Guru Necessary?

Unit 8 –...
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Year of Spiritual Community Talks

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Mon, 10 Nov, 2014 - 00:00
A set of four talks to mark the Year of Spiritual Community at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre. Talks in order are given by: Samamati, Parami, Sanghadevi and Saddharaja.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Intergration and Spiritual Community

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Mon, 10 Nov, 2014 - 00:00
The first in a series of four talks to mark the Year of Spiritual Community at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre, each taking as its theme a stage in the System of Practice.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Tender Gravity of Kindness

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Sun, 9 Nov, 2014 - 00:00
Maitridevi explores what the myth of Persephone has to do with our practice of the metta bhavana.
padmatara's picture

Mitra Study an(other) exciting change to the program

From SFBC Mitra Study on Fri, 7 Nov, 2014 - 17:03

Mitra Study an(other) exciting change to the program

From SFBC Mitra Study on Fri, 7 Nov, 2014 - 17:03The Radical Edge - Returning to Buddhism in the 21st Century
Mon Nov 17, 7pm to 9pm, with visiting order member, Arthavadin (from Manchester, UK)
In the 1960s and 1970s Buddhism gained a foothold in the West. It promised an alternative to the growing hegemony of consumerism and the ‘me generation’. Now, fifty years on, we must ask ourselves has Buddhism changed consumerism or has consumerism changed Buddhism? What can we do to return Buddhism to its...
Yashobodhi's picture

New Rupa

From West London Buddhist Centre on Fri, 7 Nov, 2014 - 11:25

New Rupa

From West London Buddhist Centre on Fri, 7 Nov, 2014 - 11:25
We bought this rupa at an online auction yesterday.
It’s for the smaller of the two shrine rooms in our new Buddhist centre.
We’re hoping to move mid December. By next week all the walls will be up in the new space. It is an exciting time for all of us who work at the centre and visit it.
Amaradaya's picture

Triratna International Retreat 2014

From Clear Vision Trust on Thu, 6 Nov, 2014 - 16:19

Triratna International Retreat 2014

From Clear Vision Trust on Thu, 6 Nov, 2014 - 16:19Here is a short clip from NewsByte 2, which is available to watch now at and
Amaradaya's picture

Womens Karuna Appeal, Manchester

From Clear Vision Trust on Thu, 6 Nov, 2014 - 16:14

Womens Karuna Appeal, Manchester

From Clear Vision Trust on Thu, 6 Nov, 2014 - 16:14Here is a short clip from NewsByte 2, which is available to watch now on and
padmatara's picture

What is the Sangha? Week 4 - The Meaning of Friendship

From SFBC Mitra Study on Thu, 6 Nov, 2014 - 06:16

What is the Sangha? Week 4 - The Meaning of Friendship

From SFBC Mitra Study on Thu, 6 Nov, 2014 - 06:16Tonight was the last part of this Sangha Night Series but we still have 4 units of the Mitra Study Module - What is the Sangha? - to go, and we will cover these on Monday nights, November 17 to December 8 (a week later than originally advertized). If you would like to take part, please join us, even if you were unable to take the first 4 weeks - you can catch up by reading the materials...
