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News from the New Young Buddhists Group starting in Ipswich

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Sun, 16 Nov, 2014 - 14:18

News from the New Young Buddhists Group starting in Ipswich

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Sun, 16 Nov, 2014 - 14:18Hiya! My name is Jemma Gates and I am on the team of the Young Persons Group which is starting up in Ipswich and I wanted to take this opportunity to share abit about my journey and tell you more about our group in Ipswich. So here goes:

I started to come along to the Ipswich Buddhist Centre in 2011 and I became a Mitra in November 2012. The meditations, rituals and retreats I really connected with and I...
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Free Buddhist Audio

Going For Refuge Week 1 - The Endless Round and the Point of Freedom

From London Buddhist Centre on Thu, 13 Nov, 2014 - 00:00
The first talk of a Going for Refuge series. In this talk Sudhadramati gives a introduction to the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha as refuges and explores the practical implications of holding these values in ones life.
Vishangka's picture

Sangha Day Festival 2014

From Manchester Buddhist Centre on Wed, 12 Nov, 2014 - 16:10

Sangha Day Festival 2014

From Manchester Buddhist Centre on Wed, 12 Nov, 2014 - 16:10Last Saturday was a fantastic celebration of sangha and friendship, with offerings, talent sharing and Mitra ceremonies too! Here are some great pictures from the day…
Singhamanas's picture


From Triratna Young Buddhists on Wed, 12 Nov, 2014 - 11:55


From Triratna Young Buddhists on Wed, 12 Nov, 2014 - 11:55
I had a crcking time on retreat last weekend with the youth of today. Came away with bouyant relief in the knowledge that there are scores of bright, skilled and energetic folk in this world who are committed to making it better.
Singhamanas's picture

December Events

From London Buddhist Centre on Wed, 12 Nov, 2014 - 11:53

December Events

From London Buddhist Centre on Wed, 12 Nov, 2014 - 11:53
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Free Buddhist Audio

Mind the Gap - Creating the Creative Space

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Wed, 12 Nov, 2014 - 00:00
Given at an introductory meditation weekend retreat in Worcestershire, Ratnadhya addresses the subject of Bardos and what they can teach us about our need to cultivate creative gaps in our lives in which we can just be rather than do. He talks about bardos of scale, from the traditional bardos of life and death, to the bardos that arise quite naturally within a single life, a single year, a single day, even the gaps which can be observable in our moment to moment experience, at least within meditation - all of them offering opportunities for glimpsing the true nature of our experience, and the possibility of moving from the reactive to the creative mind.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Milarepa - the Mahamudra View

From London Buddhist Centre on Wed, 12 Nov, 2014 - 00:00
Jnanavaca continues a series looking at Milarepa at the Dharma Night seminar at the London Buddhist Centre. This week, the Mahamudra, or Great Seal. With questions from the students
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Free Buddhist Audio

Milarepa - The Provenance of Pleasure

From London Buddhist Centre on Wed, 12 Nov, 2014 - 00:00
Subhadramati closes the LBC-s seminar series on The Yogi-s Joy with a discussion of pleasure.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Fifteen Reflections On Life

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Tue, 11 Nov, 2014 - 00:00
As part of Sangha Day 2014 at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre, Centre Chairman Ratnaghosha gives his fifteen reflections on life.
