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Free Buddhist Audio

The Buddhas Noble Quest

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Thu, 14 Jan, 2016 - 00:00
In this talk given at a Sangha evening at Bristol Buddhist Centre, Dhivan considers what we can learn from the story of the noble quest of the Buddha. This story is recounted in the Discourse on the Noble Quest (Ariyapariyesana-sutta) in the Middle-length Discourses (Majjhima-nikaya). In it we can almost believe we are hearing a memory of the Buddhas own words, as he recounts his going forth, his study under great meditation teachers, his eventually leaving them, his austerities, and finally his awakening. Dhivan draws out some of the continuing significance of the story of the noble quest, as a kind of blueprint for the model of the Dharma life as heroic self-development.
Candradasa's picture

Preparing For A Buddhist Ritual - Follow Live Online!

From Buddhist Centre Features on Tue, 12 Jan, 2016 - 16:39

This is an invitation from Stanashraddha and Satyalila at Adhisthana to join them in spirit for a special ritual that will take place there this evening, Tuesday January 12th at 7pm GMT/2pm EST

You can watch a live stream on Periscope of proceedings! On site participating in the ritual will be members of the Adhisthana communities and a small group who are on a Complete Works working retreat. It will be led by Saddhanandi, Chair of Adhisthana.


Prajnaketu's picture

Zero to Buddha - a six week introduction to Buddhism and Meditation

Zero to Buddha - a six week introduction to Buddhism and Meditation

From Oxford Buddhist Centre - Buddhism and Meditation in Oxford on Tue, 12 Jan, 2016 - 11:22

Looking to make the most of your life? Want to transform your mind? This six-week course introduces the core teachings of the Buddha and how you can use them to free up your energy, your imagination, and your perspective on the world.

The course involves instruction in developing mindfulness and deep positive emotion through meditation, as well as outlining the key principles that take you from where you are now to beyond what you might think is possible. You will also be...

Candradasa's picture

Connect, Meditate, Connect - Tuesday Meditations, Week Four

From Online Meditators on Tue, 12 Jan, 2016 - 03:54

Connect, Meditate, Connect - Tuesday Meditations, Week Four

From Online Meditators on Tue, 12 Jan, 2016 - 03:54

Time to keep going with those new year’s resolutions around meditation! Sit with others online and connect on a different level that can help sustain you through the long winter/summer days wherever you are…

Join us for some largely silent practice and the chance to share conversation about meditation afterwards with others…

Tuesday 12th January, 2.30pm EST / 7.30pm UK

How to connect
Add us to your circles on Google + and join the Hangout. We’ll be online 10 minutes before and we’ll sit for about 40 minutes,...

saddhanandi's picture

Dedication of the Manjusri Rupa at Adhisthana

From Triratna News on Mon, 11 Jan, 2016 - 21:18

Dedication of the Manjusri Rupa at Adhisthana

From Triratna News on Mon, 11 Jan, 2016 - 21:18

*UPDATE: Watch live online!*
You can watch a live stream on Periscope of proceedings! To join the live stream, simply visit The Buddhist Centre’s Twitter page. When the event is about to begin, we’ll post the link there. Just click the link and you’ll have a choice to watch live in your browser, in your Twitter app or on Periscope. If you’re a Periscope user you’ll also be able to make comments on the stream as the event progresses!

Please keep in...

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Free Buddhist Audio

The Life Story of the Buddha

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Sat, 9 Jan, 2016 - 00:00
Taranita introduces the year long Sangha Night theme of Heroes Of The Dharma at the Bristol Buddhist Centre with The Life Story Of The Buddha. The narrative begins with the birth of a boy into a privileged family of a small tribe in the lush foothills of the Himalayas, and follows him as he struggles with the mysteries of existence until he achieves liberation as the Buddha, and finally attains Paranirvana.
mokshini's picture

Taraloka Recruiting!

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Fri, 8 Jan, 2016 - 16:50

Taraloka Recruiting!

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Fri, 8 Jan, 2016 - 16:50

Interested in living and working at Taraloka?

Taraloka offers a unique context for living a full-time Dharma life, for being of service to others and for personal and collective transformation.

We are offering an exciting opportunity to be part of a fantastic team of women running the retreat centre.  We are recruiting two posts – Kitchen Manager and Maintenance and they will be for a year in the first instance.   

You will need to be an Order Member or GFR Mitra with a full, manual UK driving licence. ...
