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Free Buddhist Audio

Who Was the Buddha

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Mon, 18 Jan, 2016 - 00:00
An accessible talk given to the Young Peoples group on who the Buddha was.
sona's picture

21 Ordinations to Take Place in Bhaja, India

From Order Connection on Sun, 17 Jan, 2016 - 08:24

21 Ordinations to Take Place in Bhaja, India

From Order Connection on Sun, 17 Jan, 2016 - 08:24

Private ordinations are due to be held on the evenings of the following days for the following men - 16 Indian, 4 Australian and 1 New Zealander.  The ordinations will take place at the International Ordination Retreat being held at Sudhamma Pradeep Retreat Centre, Bhaja in India.

The Public Ordinations are due to be held at 11 a.m. on Sunday, 24th January.

On 19 January 2016:

Ananat Ambo More
Suresh Raosaheb...

Vimalasara's picture

Buddhist Recovery on the UP - will Triratna Centres open their doors?

From Threads on Sun, 17 Jan, 2016 - 02:06

Buddhist Recovery on the UP - will Triratna Centres open their doors?

From Threads on Sun, 17 Jan, 2016 - 02:06

Buddhist Recovery in North America over the past ten years has spread like wildfire. Noah Levine has created Refuge Recovery, Kevin Griffin has connected 12 steps to the Dharma, and there are many variants of Buddhist Recovery out there. We in the UK now have Eight Step  Recovery (ESR) Using The Buddha’s Teaching to Overcome Addiction, which has been spearheaded by two Triratna Order Members, Dr Paramabandhu and myself. 

Sadly the culture among the Triratna Order has been one where...

Prajnaketu's picture

Sub35 Weekend Retreat: Pleasure in Practice

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Fri, 15 Jan, 2016 - 11:12

Sub35 Weekend Retreat: Pleasure in Practice

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Fri, 15 Jan, 2016 - 11:12

Although we know meditation will make us happier, thinking we ought to do it and feeling reluctant can cause tension. Finding pleasure in our practice can resolve this tension. When we are mindful it is possible to see the beauty, contentment and wisdom that are always present and experience the pleasure that can arise when our mind is quiet and our heart is open.

Led by Tara and David
Minibus places available

29 January - 31 January, Kench Hill

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Six Distinctive Features of Triratna

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Fri, 15 Jan, 2016 - 00:00
An introduction to the six distinctive features of Triratna.
RCheesley's picture

Mahaparibbana Sutta - Sangha Night Series

From Ipswich Buddhist Centre on Thu, 14 Jan, 2016 - 23:41

Mahaparibbana Sutta - Sangha Night Series

From Ipswich Buddhist Centre on Thu, 14 Jan, 2016 - 23:41

We will be kicking off a four-week series on the Mahaparinibbana Sutta next week - (alternate translation available via the link below the title)..

The series will look in turn at four areas of the sutta:

  • 21st January - The Buddha’s advice that the sangha should meet in ”Regular and frequent assemblies”
  • 28th January - The Buddha’s suggestion that Dharma practitioners should be ”Islands unto yourselves”
  • 4th February - Ananda’s lamentation on the Buddha’s imminent passing - “He who is so kind”
  • 11th February - The Buddha’s final words - “With
  • ...
Prajnaketu's picture

Ipswich Young Buddhists 6th February

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Thu, 14 Jan, 2016 - 16:41

Ipswich Young Buddhists 6th February

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Thu, 14 Jan, 2016 - 16:41

Come along to the Ipswich Buddhist Centre 1-3pm to hear Buddhasiha (a young Order Member) talk about Sraddha in Buddhism.

Sraddha (or loosely translated as faith) can be used to understand mindfulness and how it crosses with the Dharma and how to act more skillfully.

Interested in Buddhism and meditation? All are welcome. No previous experience necessary. Enjoy a friendly chat with other young Buddhists over a cuppa and have a chance to meditate...

jvalamalini's picture

Life Story of the Buddha

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Thu, 14 Jan, 2016 - 13:55

As told by Taranita at our Sangha night on 5 January 2016

jvalamalini's picture

Taster Morning Sat 16 Jan

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Thu, 14 Jan, 2016 - 12:39

Taster Morning Sat 16 Jan

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Thu, 14 Jan, 2016 - 12:39

A chance to see inside Bristol Buddhist Centre, try meditation for the first time, and meet people practising the Buddha’s teachings in our community. 

Come and see!

Or come and help!

More information
