upekshapriya's picture

'Evoking myths for the future' - Prajnaketu

From Buddhist Centre Features on Tue, 30 Aug, 2016 - 20:20

'Evoking myths for the future' - Prajnaketu

From Buddhist Centre Features on Tue, 30 Aug, 2016 - 20:20

Yashosagar, Vajratara, and Prajnaketu look forward and share their dreams of the future. Re-visiting the perspectives of Sangharakshita’s talk ‘A Blueprint for a New World’ we hear about the wider Dharma vision of Dr. Ambedkar in India, whose emphasis on liberty, equality, and fraternity is more relevant than ever. We are invited to imagine a future where Buddhist Centres serve as hubs that support their communities in more and more ways as economic and social conditions change. And we have...

Windhorse Publications's picture
Windhorse Publi...

Newest Book by Bhikkhu Anālayo on Disease and Death

From Windhorse Publications on Tue, 30 Aug, 2016 - 16:18

Newest Book by Bhikkhu Anālayo on Disease and Death

From Windhorse Publications on Tue, 30 Aug, 2016 - 16:18

Mindfully Facing Disease and Death, a new book by Bhikkhu Anālayo, with a beautiful cover by Dhammarati, provides a practical guide for those facing disease and death by helping them to access the ageless wisdom of the Buddha’s teaching. We are on track and Mindfully Facing Disease and Death will be published in October this year. Jon Kabat-Zinn describes it beautifully in his Foreword:

This book is an invitation to systematically deepen our own lived understanding of mindfulness in relationship to...

Candradasa's picture

Looking Ahead - The Next 50 Years

From Combined Order Convention 2016 on Tue, 30 Aug, 2016 - 14:51

Looking Ahead - The Next 50 Years

From Combined Order Convention 2016 on Tue, 30 Aug, 2016 - 14:51

A morning on the last full day of the Combined Convention to take stock, celebrate, and look forward to the future of the Order over the next 50 years. Lokeshvara introduces the symposium with a personal and inspired set of impressions from his first year as one of the International Order Convenors. We then hear from three speakers representing three wonderful projects which will help set up conditions that safeguard the future of the Order - at both the individual...

Liz_Bassett's picture

FutureDharma Fund is launched at Combined Order Convention

From FutureDharma on Sun, 28 Aug, 2016 - 11:10

FutureDharma Fund is launched at Combined Order Convention

From FutureDharma on Sun, 28 Aug, 2016 - 11:10

On Saturday 20th August FutureDharma Fund was launched by Amalavajra at the Combined Order Convention.  You can read Munisha’s news story here:

Stopping at a roadside service station during a journey many years ago, Sangharakshita surprised his companions by throwing a coin into the wishing well outside. “Did you wish for Enlightenment?” they joked. “No”, he answered, “Enlightenment is guaranteed if you make the effort. I wished for money. With money you can start Buddhist centres.

Triratna’s FutureDharma Fund, aiming to raise...

Saccanama's picture

Amogharatna joins the Preceptors' College

From College of Public Preceptors on Fri, 26 Aug, 2016 - 10:21

Amogharatna joins the Preceptors' College

From College of Public Preceptors on Fri, 26 Aug, 2016 - 10:21

I started visiting the Norwich Buddhist Centre in 1992, having decided to explore Buddhism during an extended cycling tour of Ireland in the summer of the previous year. I became a Mitra and asked for ordination in 1993, the same year in which I participated in my first door-knocking appeal for the Karuna Trust. A year later I had the good fortune to move to Padmaloka and join the Support Team as gardener and...

shraddhavani's picture

Friday Practice Evenings at PBC

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Thu, 25 Aug, 2016 - 17:18

Friday Practice Evenings at PBC

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Thu, 25 Aug, 2016 - 17:18

Starting this week, our Friday gathering will be an open practice evening, 7-8:30 PM. The emphasis will be on meditation and starting the weekend off with some stillness, in good company.  On occasion we will organize some Buddhist chanting or ritual, or exploration of the Dharma, always with a focus on practice.

All are welcome into this community space.  Offered by donation: $10-5 suggested.

The Portsmouth Buddhist Center runs entirely on donations!  If you’re inspired by our vision of a Dharma community on...

shraddhavani's picture

Sunday Series: The Three Jewels of Buddhism

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Thu, 25 Aug, 2016 - 14:46

Sunday Series: The Three Jewels of Buddhism

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Thu, 25 Aug, 2016 - 14:46

For the next four weeks, August 28-September 18, in our Sunday community gathering, we will be exploring our relationship to the Three Jewels of Buddhism.  These are the Buddha (the Awakened One), the Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha), and the Sangha (the fellowship of the Buddha’s followers).  Buddhists the world over also speak of these jewels as three “refuges” from the challenges and dissatisfactions of life as a human being. Join friendly folks from around the Seacoast as...

Saccanama's picture

Purna reflects on his experience of joining the College

From College of Public Preceptors on Thu, 25 Aug, 2016 - 11:44

Purna reflects on his experience of joining the College

From College of Public Preceptors on Thu, 25 Aug, 2016 - 11:44

Joining the College of Public Preceptors turned out to be quite a long drawn out process for me. Nagabodhi had asked me over ten years ago, but I was not willing to take on additional responsibilities in the Movement until I had left full-time employment.  The College of Public Preceptors agreed to my appointment as a Public Preceptor in September last year, so I planned a substantial block of time away from New Zealand: to get to my first College...

Saccanama's picture

Bhante's translation of Tsongkhapa's Three Chief Paths

From College of Public Preceptors on Thu, 25 Aug, 2016 - 11:41

First published in the Middle Way in 1960, this is the first translation into English of a key text of the founder of the Gelug School of Tibetan Buddhism.

File NameSize
Tsongkhapa's Three Chief Paths772.85 KB
Saccanama's picture

Paramachitta on her inspiration to spread the Dharma in the Spanish-speaking world

From College of Public Preceptors on Thu, 25 Aug, 2016 - 11:35

Paramachitta on her inspiration to spread the Dharma in the Spanish-speaking world

From College of Public Preceptors on Thu, 25 Aug, 2016 - 11:35

Before becoming a public preceptor I had the feeling that one of the most joyful aspects would be putting the kesa around someone’s neck, seeing the joy in their faces, ritually pouring water on the crown of their heads, an action so ancient and so beyond the mundane that you can’t help but connect with something much larger than ordinary life.

And so it is: A beautiful day in June in the heart of England, in the mythical atmosphere created in Adhisthana,...
