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Free Buddhist Audio

Wheel of Life: 4 - Breaking the Circle by Resting In the Gap

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Sat, 3 Jun, 2017 - 01:00
In this fourth talk on the Wheel of Life Bhadra describes the outer rim illustrating the nature of conditionality and the point of freedom through which the power of the spinning wheel is diminished and eventually broken.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Wheel of Life: 5 - The Gap and the Buddha Mandala

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Sat, 3 Jun, 2017 - 01:00
In this concluding talk on the Wheel of Life Bhadra states that the goal of practice is to transform the mental poisons illustrated by the six realms into the wisdoms of the Buddha mandala through attending to the gap.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Jewels In Cloaks and Phantom Cities

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Sat, 3 Jun, 2017 - 01:00
Talk from the 2017 Bristol Big Sangha retreat on the nature of the samskaras and the deliteralisation of the experience of selfhood and time.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Point of Freedom

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Sat, 3 Jun, 2017 - 01:00
In this short talk, Prajnamati describes how a range of dharma practices can be seen as a finding of the point of freedom where a more creative option becomes apparent as an alternative to the more familiar reactive choices. In ethical practice this is developing a sensitivity to the wholesome quality of skilful intentions, in meditation finding a way of relaxing in to the practice and in sangha engaging in a free association of individuals, as an individual, from one's point of freedom.
Nandavajra's picture

The Journey and the Guide - Teachers' Notes

From Triratna Resources on Fri, 2 Jun, 2017 - 15:31

‘The Journey and the Guide’ teacher’s notes

These very helpful notes, compiled by Maitreyabandhu, are a guide for people running an eight week course based on his excellent book ‘The Journey and the Guide’

Get more resources for this course at the Sikkha project

File NameSize
Journey and Guide teachers notes278.69 KB
Windhorse Publications's picture
Windhorse Publi...

Metta and Social Engagement

From Buddhist Action on Fri, 2 Jun, 2017 - 12:03

Metta and Social Engagement

From Buddhist Action on Fri, 2 Jun, 2017 - 12:03

Thanks to everyone for the inspiring posts. 

Reflecting on the writing that can help us with these actions, here are some articles and books that may help us delve deeper into BAM.

Sangharakshita’s A Buddhist View of Current World Problems (an article on page 11 of Running Tide, Issue 35)

Vaddhaka’s Buddhist Voices (a chapter in The Buddha on Wall Street)

Sangharakshita’s Living With Kindness (paperback or eBook)

Metta (paperback by various Triratna authors)

Maitrisara's picture

BAM in Birmingham

From Buddhist Action on Thu, 1 Jun, 2017 - 17:54

BAM in Birmingham

From Buddhist Action on Thu, 1 Jun, 2017 - 17:54

How can Buddhist values, such as awareness and kindness, help us stay connected and engaged in these challenging times? We have a programme of BAM events in Birmingham starting tonight with a Sangha Evening called The World is on Fire: How Do We Respond? led by Centre Chair Singhamati.

Following on, two events look in particular at the refugee crisis:

A Day Retreat called A Dharmic Response to the Refugee Crisis with Anne-Marie Allen and Maitrisara on Saturday 10 June, 10.00am - 5.00pm which looks at how we can become more aware...

dharmamodini's picture

2 hours remaining on the 1st of June in Adelaide, South Australia!

From Buddhist Action on Thu, 1 Jun, 2017 - 13:51

2 hours remaining on the 1st of June in Adelaide, South Australia!

From Buddhist Action on Thu, 1 Jun, 2017 - 13:51

Warm greetings to all involved in BAM. We ‘kicked off’ here in the southern hemisphere with a six week course Going Deeper in the Dharma, given the Dharma could be considered the biggest change agent in our lives. We gather together on Saturday with a number of Buddhist sanghas across town and the Multi-Faith Association of SA to Share Our Passion for the Earth. A particular feature of the gathering will be highlighting the Buddhist Climate Change Action Kit, created by...

mokshini's picture

BAM starts here!

From Buddhist Action on Thu, 1 Jun, 2017 - 08:48

BAM starts here!

From Buddhist Action on Thu, 1 Jun, 2017 - 08:48

It is the first of June and the beginning of Buddhist Action Month 2017!

For many of us BAM will have started weeks or even months ago, when we first began to plan and prepare for our actions. It is really heartening to know that all over the world, from Aryaloka in the United States to Melbourne, from Mexico to Istanbul, Dublin and mainland European Centres, and in many towns in the UK actions and events are taking place to transform...

Sangharakshita's picture

Abortion, Peace, And So On

From Threads on Tue, 30 May, 2017 - 22:08

Abortion, Peace, And So On

From Threads on Tue, 30 May, 2017 - 22:08

I have never been an admirer of Mother Teresa, but recently I have begun to take her seriously. This has nothing to do with her canonisation. I happened to catch the end of a program about her on Radio 4 in the course of which there was a clip of an interview with the saint herself. In it she connected abortion and peace in an interesting way. I already knew of her attitude towards abortion, which of course was in...
