FutureDharma Fund launches: pass it on!

Stopping at a roadside service station during a journey many years ago, Sangharakshita surprised his companions by throwing a coin into the wishing well outside. “Did you wish for Enlightenment?” they joked. “No”, he answered, “Enlightenment is guaranteed if you make the effort. I wished for money. With money you can start Buddhist centres.”

Triratna’s FutureDharma Fund, aiming to raise £3-5 million and £500K in annual income by 2021, launched last Saturday at the Combined Order Convention at Wymondham in eastern England.

Nearly 50 years old, Triratna has grown into a very large movement. With centres across the world and an impressive range of books and materials available online, it’s easy to forget that many of Triratna’s Dharma projects, old and new, suffer from an acute shortage of money.

FutureDharma Fund is a new fund to support Triratna projects developing

  • depth of practice
  • unity across the Triratna world and 
  • breadth of outreach. 

It will support pioneers such as Nityabandhu in Poland, create a Triratna Bank to loan money to new ventures, fund the Sikkha Dharma Syllabus Project and ensure The Buddhist Centre Online continues to be one of the internet’s prime lively modern sources of Dharma online.

And since it’s an international fund, it will raise money for Triratna work all over the world, including the new Translations Board, youth projects in India, the College of Public Preceptors and the work of Triratna's International Council.

Would you like to join the Fund? FutureDharma’s target may seem incredible, but with over £290,000/Euros 338,000/US$382,000 given or pledged already, the fund is already a success worth joining.

The world needs what you’ve been given. Pass it on.  

FutureDharma’s Fundraising Director is Amalavajra. He wants to challenge us all to reconsider our relationship with our money, asking ourselves whether we can give - or give more. He says:

“Triratna has given us the Dharma and the opportunity to grow and change. Now FutureDharma gives us all an opportunity to show our gratitude for this and pass it on. Supporting the Fund, we can be Bodhisattvas, transforming ourselves and the world. 

One Order member who's already giving to FutureDharma told me: ‘I imagined all those very different people across the world – known and unknown – who would benefit from this fund. I imagined the consequences spreading and flowing beyond my lifetime. I imagined, I imagined… and then I felt a simple wave of pure joy.’”
Pass it on.

FutureDharma Fund is waiting to hear from you.
Give monthly.
Make a single gift.
Leave us a gift in your Will.
Make a Dharma Loan. 
Find us at www.futuredharma.org.  

Please tell your friends.
Look out for FutureDharma postcards at your local centre.  
Pass it on.

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