The Funeral of the Venerable Urgyen Sangharakshita
August 26, 1925 - October 30, 2018
Update: You can now watch a complete version of the livestream here
We will be starting our online coverage before the funeral ceremony begins, at around 12.20pm UK time. There will be a live video stream of the ceremony, as well as a regular stream of updates on social media throughout the day.
Download the Order of Service here.
If you are attending in person read more about the funeral service and burial.
Where to tune in:
You can watch live coverage of the funeral and burial on a number of different spaces:
The Sangharakshita Memorial Space on The Buddhist Centre Online
Clear Vision's YouTube Channel | Triratna Media India YouTube Channel
The Buddhist Centre Online's Facebook page
There will also be a feed of regular online updates throughout the day on Instagram and on Twitter.
You can continue to share your remembrances of Urgyen Sangharakshita on the dedicated space on The Buddhist Centre Online or contribute to the "Book of Gratitude".
We are confident that we will be able to offer a live stream to cover the funeral. Please note there will be a transition period of approximately 1-2 minutes when the funeral service moves to the burial ground. The video stream will stop. At this point you do not need to do anything - the feed should pick up again after a delay.
However, in the event of unforeseen problems, or if you encounter difficulties with the live stream on either Sangharakshita's Memorial Space, or The Buddhist Centre Online Facebook page, simply 'refresh' the page and wait for the broadcast to resume.
If you are watching on YouTube please return to the Clear Vision YouTube channel or to the Triratna Media India YouTube channel,'refresh' the page and play the latest live video to restart the stream.
The live stream will be available to re-watch afterwards, and we will be producing a more polished record of the day in the near future.
We look forward to many people joining us around the world as we mark this important occasion in our community.
With Metta,
The Dharmachakra and Clear Vision Teams