Update: You can now watch a complete version of the live stream here
The funeral of the Venerable Urgyen Sangharakshita, August 26, 1925 - October 30, 2018
November 10th 2018, 12.30 pm UK time, at Adhisthana
Dear friends,
We wanted to give you some last minute information for those of you coming to Adhisthana tomorrow and also an update on how things are going here.
Over the last few days we have had a very steady flow of visitors, coming to visit Bhante’s body and say their farewells. There has continued to be a lovely atmosphere with tears, laughter, solemnity and joy.
People have also been able to take part in the 24 hour vigil in the main shrine and participate in the evening puja. We are also fortunate in the number of volunteers we have to help with preparations and to help in a number of ways on Saturday. It has been very special seeing the site fill up as more and more people arrive. It has been especially moving to see our overseas visitors arrive. We now have people from all areas of the world here. The Adhisthana team continue to do an extraordinary job in coordinating and organising all of this.
After the burial there will be an opportunity to strew flower petals into the grave. Please bring petals along if you would like to do this.
Download the Order of Service for Sangharakshita's Funeral and Burial
Live coverage
We are confident now that we will be able to offer a live stream to cover the funeral. While we obviously cannot guarantee this, we are doing everything we possibly can to keep everyone involved wherever they are. We will be starting coverage before the ceremony begins, at around 12.20pm.
Watch this space for the live stream embedded on The Buddhist Centre Online.
We'll also be streaming live on YouTube and on Facebook, with a feed of regular online updates throughout on Instagram and on Twitter.
We need everyone at Adhisthana to switch mobile phones to Flight Mode or switch off altogether, not only out of respect but also because we need the wifi and all mobile networks kept free. Any other use of the of the internet (including phone calls) will affect our ability to share the ceremony around the world.
There will also be a video link from the barn and the burial site into the Adhisthana main shrine room to act as an overflow if needed, and in case anyone needs to come indoors because of the cold.
Disabled access
Paths on most of the site have hard surfaces, and matting has been laid down to provide wheelchair access round to the barn from the tarmac beyond the shrine room and women’s community. There will be a wheelchair-accessible portable toilet on site.
We will, of course, see many of you tomorrow. We do expect large numbers so please do look at previous mailings or on The Buddhist Centre Online for information for travel arrangements etc. We look forward to welcoming you to Adhisthana in person and joining us around the world.
With metta at this very special time for our community,
Parami, Mahamati and Paramartha.