Given on the Women's International Order Convention 2016, at Adhisthana.
Revisiting Bhante's 1978 talk on the Vision of History, Vassika articulates our responsibility to become a true and vital spiritual community in a pure and uncompromising form, in order to respond to and transform the world. She makes five suggestions; to strive to become true individuals; to maintain harmony in the Order, to reach out into the world and provide conditions for personal transformation; to keep alive Bhante's vision of history and our place within it; and to allow the transcendental to manifest within our spiritual community.
Please note that Tarahridaya, who kindly provided a translation into Marathi for this talk, has not had any training in English, or in interpreting skills, and Marathi is not her first language. We are very grateful to her for help in making the talk accessible to the Indian Dharmacharinis present on the occasion.