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Ordinations Live From Mexico City!
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This Sunday, as part of marking a year of celebrating Triratna@50, we are in Mexico City to bring you live coverage of the first public ordinations of the next 50 years!

A group of women from Mexico will be taking this great step in their lives - and you can watch along above (click to play) or via this link on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/thebuddhistcentre/videos/1516392995071902/ (if you view it on Facebook you can also see and make live comments).

The public ceremony for Adriana Pena, Aurea Zepeda, Binisa Colmenero, Deny Salgado, Fernanda Buenrostro, Gisela Peters and Mariana Valdez will take place at the México City Buddhist Centre on Sunday 23rd April at 2.00pm local time.