Buddhist Action Month 2014
Buddhist Action Month 2014
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Welcome to Buddhist Action Month 2014

BAM is the UK’s Buddhist Action Month, happening nationally in June, promoted by the Network of Buddhist Organisations UK. In 2014 Triratna was in partnership with the NBO in promoting BAM across the UK’s Buddhist sanghas.

Other UK Buddhist groups will be participating, led by the NBO (Network of Buddhist Organisations), and BAM is also part of TiS (Together in Service), an English multifaith social action project backed by the UK Government.

Buddhism's reputation for quiet meditation and retreat is misleading. We're also social revolutionaries!

BAM has great potential to make connections between our ethical commitment as Buddhists and the needs of our society and environment. In essence, it encourages Buddhists and Buddhist communities to take any action they wish for the benefit of others, especially to benefit the environment or society.

However we're suggesting that for BAM 2014 we especially focus on actions related to the environment and climate change. Click here for 20 suggested actions your sangha can take.

Beyond BAM (at the top of this page) is a parallel space where we're starting a more open-ended conversation: could, or should, Buddhists make a really meaningful, ongoing commitment to addressing climate change?

We're inspired by the Quakers and their collective committment, made in 2011, to become a "low-carbon, sustainable community". Join Beyond BAM and join the conversation.

And we're developing a Sustainable Centre Certification Scheme. +follow this space.