Buddhist Action Month 2014
Buddhist Action Month 2014
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International Buddhist Relief Organisation seeks new committee
The International Buddhist Relief Organisation (IBRO) invites expressions of interest from Buddhists who would like to form a new committee to take over the running of this organisation.

"The International Buddhist Relief Organisation is a UK-based NGO recognised by the UN. It was established as a charity in 1995 with the registered aim ‘to help relieve the suffering of people everywhere, regardless of their status, creed or geographical location, who are in condition of need, hardship or distress as a result of local, national or internal disaster or by reason of social or economic circumstances. In accordance with the Buddhist doctrine and principles, such help is also extended to animals everywhere that are in need of care or attention.’

Principally it has consisted of a small group associated with Ven. Kassapa OBE who have raised funds to help relieve disasters (eg the S.E. Asian tsunami, floods in Pakistan, the Philippine cyclone). It has also supported fixed projects like the Tithandizane Clinic in Zambia (with Amida Trust), the Welligama Nursery School (in the wake of the tsunami), and the Navatkuli Housing Appeal, based in Jaffna, for people displaced by the civil war. In addition, it collects medical supplies and equipment for use in poorer countries and supports animal rescue schemes.

The charity has a website and is registered with Paypal and Everyclick.

The Proposal

At its AGM on 24 May 2014, the statutory officers decided to stand down in favour of a new committee to take over IBRO’s work and name. Their minuted decision is to act as a caretaker committee until December 2014, or until such time before that date as another committee can take over. Also minuted is that they have asked Yann Lovelock (in consultation with Ven. Kassapa) to help arrange this transfer.

At present the charity has assets of nearly £3K and had a turnover of about £9K in the previous year. These figures are about average, except for 2005 during the tsunami relief period, when IBRO’s profile was very high in the media."

Enquiries and expressions of interest in carrying on IBRO’s aims should be addressed to Yann Lovelock at yanda_lovelock@yahoo.co.uk"