What is it to be fully aware, fully alive? Mindfulness is an adventure! In these times more than ever, the Buddha’s teaching of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness gives us an essential framework for how to stay present, clear-minded, and living from our deepest values, whether we’re meditating or in the thick of our daily lives.
Taraloka and The Buddhist Centre Online are collaborating to offer Alive! Aware! Awake! - an online retreat exploring the four foundations of mindfulness - mindfulness of our bodies, sensations, thoughts and emotions and the truth (or values or realities). The retreat runs from Friday 10th to Friday 17th July with live events and online resources to support you in your practice.
Engage with this online home retreat to train in the relief and ease of being in the present moment – whatever that present moment looks like. How can we taste the deep excitement of opening experientially to the nature of reality itself – available in each thought-moment – right here, right now?
See Taraloka's website for more details - including for women's online discussion groups. Special, dedicated home retreat page coming soon on the Dharma Toolkit!