India Dhamma Trust:
India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution"

Women & Men's Ordination Teams in India: is there a difference?

By vajratara on Sat, 29 Mar, 2014 - 15:48

Women & Men's Ordination Teams in India: is there a difference?

By vajratara on Sat, 29 Mar, 2014 - 15:48A number of our donors have asked us why the Women’s Ordination Team is smaller than the Men’s. A good question which demands a considered response which Subhuti has provided…

India today is in a process of astonishing social transformation across a wide spectrum of developmental stages: a few tribal people in the Andoman Islands still live more or less in the Stone Age and quite a number in the big ‘Metros’, like Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, or Chennai, are...
India Dhamma Trust:
India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution"

Fundraising workshops in India

By vajratara on Sat, 29 Mar, 2014 - 15:28

Fundraising workshops in India

By vajratara on Sat, 29 Mar, 2014 - 15:28
A photo from a recent fundraising workshop that Amalavajra led with the Indian Ordination Team at Bhaja retreat centre. They are taking on more of their own funding with great success - covering 40% of their budget within the first two years! Saddhu Saddhu!
Triratna News
Triratna News

A Dhamma revolutionary wedding in India

By Munisha on Wed, 19 Mar, 2014 - 00:20

A Dhamma revolutionary wedding in India

By Munisha on Wed, 19 Mar, 2014 - 00:20Shakyajata writes: “Dr B.R. Ambedkar, the great leader of the ‘outcaste’ (or ‘Dalit’) people of India, recommended in many of his writings a very specific way to put an end to the ‘hell of caste’ from which so many people still suffer in modern India. This ‘infallible’ method, he said, was exogamy: inter-caste marriage.

On 13th February, a Triratna marriage took place in India which was inter-cultural, even inter-racial, as well as inter-caste.

Tarun and Daya had...
