Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Podcast - Voices from Venezuela / Voces de Venezuela

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 16 Mar, 2020 - 11:57

“In a crisis you have to find new ways to be, you can’t just carry on with the old ways…Buddhism gives you something new…a way of finding happiness, that comes from a different place.”

“I think the world, at the moment, is giving us lessons in the need for spirituality”

On a recent visit to Venezuela, Parami speaks with Abhayasara (ordained in October) and Maria Elena, Wilman and Arsenio who are all involved in the Merida sangha.


Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Shifting to Indra's Net

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 14 Dec, 2019 - 14:00

Parami evokes the reality of interconnectedness in relation to the second Dasadhamma - My life is dependent on others. I am sustained by the gifts of others. She talks about how the experience of interconnectedness is supported by wisdom, and results in compassionate activity.

This talk is part of the series The Order as Practice: Shifting Paradigms given at Adhisthana, 2015.

Subscribe to our Dharmabytes podcast - bite-sized inspiration three times every week! (Apple Podcasts)


Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

El Bodhisattva del Siglo 21 (Español)

By Paramachitta on Tue, 20 Aug, 2019 - 11:13

El Bodhisattva del Siglo 21 (Español)

By Paramachitta on Tue, 20 Aug, 2019 - 11:13

En esta charla dada en la noche de Sangha del Centro Budista de Valencia y que inició el Mes de Accion Budista 2019, Parami muestra hábilmente como las enseñanzas del Buda son tan relevantes al mundo de hoy como eran en la epoca del Buda. Se llama “El Bodhisattva del Siglo 21” y Parami, como siempre nos inspira y nos anima a la accion. (Parami es presidenta del Centro Budista de Valencia).

In this talk given to the Sangha at the...

Ipswich Buddhist Centre
Ipswich Buddhist Centre

A Women's Day with Parami

By RCheesley on Fri, 13 Apr, 2018 - 14:10

A Women's Day with Parami

By RCheesley on Fri, 13 Apr, 2018 - 14:10

Open to all women of the Triratna Buddhist Community sangha.

A fantastic opportunity to spend the day with Parami, public preceptor and a very experienced order member.

Join us at Ipswich Buddhist Centre from 10am-4pm on Sunday, 22nd April.

Places are limited so early booking advised - you can book online via Eventbrite here.

Please bring a veggie lunch to share if you are able.

If the cost of the ticket is a difficulty please contact us before booking your space by emailing enquiries [at] ipswichbuddhistcentre.org.uk (subject: Parami%20Day%20Enquiry)

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Ordinations at Akashavana September 2017

By Saccanama on Sat, 23 Sep, 2017 - 12:17

Ordinations at Akashavana September 2017

By Saccanama on Sat, 23 Sep, 2017 - 12:17

The following women received their Public Ordination on 16th September 2017 at Akashavana:

Public preceptor Parami:

Elizabeth Hellard becomes Kamalasiri,
a Pali name meaning: ‘She who has the beauty of a lotus’. 
Westernised spelling: Kamalasiri.
Private Preceptor: Dayalocana.

Penny Strange becomes Vidyamani,
a Sanskrit / Pali name meaning: ‘She who is like...

Clear Vision Trust
Clear Vision Trust

Women's Ordinations in Mexico

By Amaradaya on Fri, 1 Sep, 2017 - 16:13

Women's Ordinations in Mexico

By Amaradaya on Fri, 1 Sep, 2017 - 16:13

On 23 April 2017 seven women were publicly ordained in the Mexico City Buddhist Centre after being on a Going for Refuge Retreat at Cintamani Retreat Centre. 
Parami also tells us about how 6 women from Venezuela came to be invited to the event.

Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now
Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now


By mokshini on Sat, 5 Aug, 2017 - 10:47


By mokshini on Sat, 5 Aug, 2017 - 10:47

Parami is well known to many of us …. currently she is one the international order conveners, but is also known throughout the Spanish-speaking world as one of the early order members setting up the Valencia Buddhist Centre. Closer to home, and beyond that, she is much-loved for her open-hearted and straightforward commitment to bringing about the arising of bodhicitta, the intention for our community to benefit all being’.

On the International gathering she is offering this workshop -  


College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Ordinations in Mexico City 23rd April 2017

By Saccanama on Mon, 1 May, 2017 - 10:35

Ordinations in Mexico City 23rd April 2017

By Saccanama on Mon, 1 May, 2017 - 10:35

The following women received their public Ordination in the Mexico City Buddhist Centre.

En El Centro Budista de la Cuidad de México, las siguentes mujeres recibieron su ordenación pública:

Public preceptor / Preceptora pública Parami:

Gisela Peters becomes Moksasi (dot under the first ‘s’, long ‘a’ and long ‘i’), a Sanskrit name meaning She who holds the Sword of Freedom. ...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Las Venezolanas

By Aryanisha on Mon, 20 Feb, 2017 - 11:34

Las Venezolanas

By Aryanisha on Mon, 20 Feb, 2017 - 11:34

Today we report on a group of women practising the Dharma in a really challenging environment: Venezuela.

You might have missed it, but Venezuela is in the middle of a severe political and economic crisis. According to Bloomberg, the annual inflation rate is about 1200%. With Brexit going on, here in the UK the rate is around 1.8%, and that’s considered high. Food and medicine shortages and a currency nosedive are just some of the problems Venezuelans are facing.

In the midst of...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

The Lord of Compassion

By akasajoti on Fri, 26 Aug, 2016 - 19:59

Yesterday we heard a bit from Parami about her connection with Avalokitesvara, the Lord of Compassion (with translation into Hindi), before listening to a lecture Bhante gave titled ‘The Jewel in the Lotus’ which you can listen to here on Free Buddhist Audio.

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See all posts from the Women’s Order Convention 2016

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