
The Great Secret of Morals is Love: Blazing in the Fires of Sunyata

By akasajoti on Sat, 10 Jun, 2017 - 22:33

The Great Secret of Morals is Love: Blazing in the Fires of Sunyata

By akasajoti on Sat, 10 Jun, 2017 - 22:33

We close the first full day chanting Sabbe Satta Sukhi Hontu after an evening of radiating metta and practising the Seven-Fold Puja together, dedicating the merits of a days study, discussion, meditation and ritual.

Earlier today, in his presentation, Saccanama evoked Metta through a variety of canonical and poetic sources, referring to the seminars which Bhante led on the Karaniya Metta Sutta, edited in Living with Kindness, as well as various suttas from the Pali Canon. He described the crucial place of...


Telling Stories: Blazing in the Fires of Sunyata

By akasajoti on Fri, 9 Jun, 2017 - 22:39

Telling Stories: Blazing in the Fires of Sunyata

By akasajoti on Fri, 9 Jun, 2017 - 22:39

I want to begin to experiment with telling the stories of some of the events happening at Adhisthana – I want Adhisthana to be able to reach out all over the Triratna world across oceans and borders, and I want it to be a source of inspiration and positivity in the world and in this community. So over this week I’ll be on a retreat on the theme of Metta and Bodhicitta, and will try to tell you the story...

Adhisthana Kula
Adhisthana Kula

Letter from the Chair of the College of Public Preceptors to all Order Members

By saddhaloka on Fri, 31 Mar, 2017 - 23:56

Letter from the Chair of the College of Public Preceptors to all Order Members

By saddhaloka on Fri, 31 Mar, 2017 - 23:56

Following the March meeting of the College of Public Preceptors, Saddhaloka, as Chair of the College, sent a message to all Order members. The ten-day meeting had been concerned with issues currently being raised regarding the Triratna Buddhist Order and Community, and Saddhaloka wanted to communicate the position of the College on these issues. We are now posting the letter, slightly adapted for a wider readership, on the Adhisthana Kula blog, to make it available to all who are interested. The Kula will be continuing...

London Buddhist Centre
London Buddhist Centre

Buddhist Lives

By Vidyasakhi on Thu, 15 Dec, 2016 - 10:49

Buddhist Lives

By Vidyasakhi on Thu, 15 Dec, 2016 - 10:49

Here’s a piece I wrote for the London Buddhist Centre magazine - enjoy!

At the heart of this Buddhist movement is an Order: men and women putting the Buddha’s teaching at the centre of their lives. What does that look like in 2017? Interviews by Vidyasakhi


I grew up in Kent – Medway Towns, Gillingham to be precise. Predominantly a working class place, a lot of heavy industry traditionally, though Thatcher and her lot put paid to that. That’s why I joined the army: I needed...

Triratna International Council
Triratna International Council

2016 International Council Meeting - summary

By dhammamegha on Wed, 5 Oct, 2016 - 10:34

The International Council met at Adhisthana from the 1st to the 8th of August 2016.

Here is a presentation of who was there, the areas of interest to different Area Councils, and the programme.

It also includes the priorities going forward for the International Council over the next year or two: what each of the strands is taking forward, and what the Council as a whole has set as priorities. These include a response to diversity and access, a review of the system of...
