Triratna News
Triratna News

Windows on India: Karuna photography exhibition

By Andrea@Karuna on Wed, 7 Aug, 2013 - 09:54

Windows on India: Karuna photography exhibition

By Andrea@Karuna on Wed, 7 Aug, 2013 - 09:54Karuna is delighted to be co-hosting an exhibition of photographs of India. The exhibition will highlight images by Padmadhara, Dhammarati and Ben Martin.

Padmadhara’s and Dhammarati’s photos bear witness to the hope and humanity of the many people whose lives Karuna has touched. These photos are complemented by the photography of Ben Martin, who spent some of the happiest times in his tragically short but accomplished life whilst volunteering for Karuna, both in our London office and India.

Triratna News
Triratna News

A summer of abundant fundraising at Karuna

By Andrea@Karuna on Fri, 19 Jul, 2013 - 09:24

A summer of abundant fundraising at Karuna

By Andrea@Karuna on Fri, 19 Jul, 2013 - 09:24At last the UK is basking in abundant summer sunshine. Here at Karuna we’re basking in the warm glow of a summer of abundant fundraising.

Since April, Karuna fundraisers have signed up 280 new donors who’ve connected with Karuna’s work through conversations with a Karuna fundraiser they’ve met on their doorstep. And a team of phone fundraisers calling from our London office have inspired 684 Karuna donors to increase their existing donation. In total they will have...
Leeds Buddhist Centre
Leeds Buddhist Centre

Notes from an Appealing Buddhist

By Shakyapada on Fri, 5 Jul, 2013 - 15:18

Notes from an Appealing Buddhist

By Shakyapada on Fri, 5 Jul, 2013 - 15:18Life on a Karuna door-knocking appeal

Previously (a week ago) on the Green Tara Appeal:
Our actual target for the whole appeal is £1791 and with just 6 evenings to go we are still £739 short. So, between us, we need to find around £123 each evening in monthly donations. A big ask when we’ve averaged around £64 in the last four evenings. It’s a daunting task and the Green Tara Team really have their work cut out over...
Leeds Buddhist Centre
Leeds Buddhist Centre

Notes from an Appealing Buddhist

By Shakyapada on Fri, 21 Jun, 2013 - 11:35

Notes from an Appealing Buddhist

By Shakyapada on Fri, 21 Jun, 2013 - 11:35Life on a Karuna door-knocking appeal

Day 28: Welcoming the Demons

“The spiritual journey involves stepping into unknown territory with a hunger to know what is true. One of the essential elements of such a life is the understanding that everything we encounter - fear, resentment, jealousy, embarrassment - is actually an invitation to see clearly where we are shutting down and holding back.” Aura Glaser, Tricycle Magazine, Spring 2012

The end of week four and...
Leeds Buddhist Centre
Leeds Buddhist Centre

Notes from an Appealing Buddhist

By Shakyapada on Fri, 14 Jun, 2013 - 12:24

Notes from an Appealing Buddhist

By Shakyapada on Fri, 14 Jun, 2013 - 12:24Life on a Karuna door-knocking appeal

Day 20: All for one, one for all

It’s nearing the end of week three and, amidst all the feelings that we are experiencing, a deep and broad sense of community seems to be emerging.

The Magnificent Seven - our own Green Tara Appeal community - continues to blossom and our friendship with each other is growing strongly. It is still almost unbelievable to me that seven strangers can come together...
Leeds Buddhist Centre
Leeds Buddhist Centre

Notes From an Appealing Buddhist

By Shakyapada on Sat, 8 Jun, 2013 - 20:24

Notes From an Appealing Buddhist

By Shakyapada on Sat, 8 Jun, 2013 - 20:24Day 14: Magic Happens

“Ask yourself, ‘Is there joy, ease and lightness in what I am doing. If there isn’t, then time is covering up the present moment, and life is perceived as a burden or a struggle.’” Eckhart Tolle (Practising the Power of Now)

The end of week two and things are moving on, here on the Green Tara Appeal. I’m pleased to say that Amritasuri and Jamie are both well again and have rejoined us. Now...
Triratna News
Triratna News

A beautiful encounter: Dantacitta shares her experience of week one on the Karuna Green Tara Appeal

By Andrea@Karuna on Fri, 7 Jun, 2013 - 09:01

A beautiful encounter: Dantacitta shares her experience of week one on the Karuna Green Tara Appeal

By Andrea@Karuna on Fri, 7 Jun, 2013 - 09:01In this delightful blog, Dantacitta shares her experience of starting a Karuna doorknocking appeal.

She speaks really movingly about an encounter with a stranger whilst out doorknocking. This perfectly captures the magic, mystery and power of a Karuna doorknocking appeal.

Please send the ‘Magnificant Seven’ your well-wishing via the Karuna Fundraisers Facebook page.

To find out more about the powerfully transformative impact of Appeals and our work in India please visit the Karuna...
Leeds Buddhist Centre
Leeds Buddhist Centre

Notes from an Appealing Buddhist

By Shakyapada on Sat, 1 Jun, 2013 - 23:13

Notes from an Appealing Buddhist

By Shakyapada on Sat, 1 Jun, 2013 - 23:13Day 3: Out on the Streets

It’s the end of the first week and we’ve all survived. Unfortunately two of our team - Amitasuri and Jamie - have been poorly and therefore unable to join us on the first few days of the Karuna door-knocking appeal. However we’re hoping that they’ll both be fit and well very soon.

I must say that, generally (and perhaps surprisingly) we seem to have enjoyed ourselves. Speaking for myself, I’m having a...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Eknath Awad - one of India's most respected Dalit leaders visits Karuna

By Andrea@Karuna on Thu, 30 May, 2013 - 09:54

Eknath Awad - one of India's most respected Dalit leaders visits Karuna

By Andrea@Karuna on Thu, 30 May, 2013 - 09:54Last week at Karuna we received an important visitor from India, Eknath Awad. In a moving talk held at the North London Buddhist Centre to an audience including the Karuna team, Karuna supporters and volunteer fundraisers, Eknath described his life.

Born an ‘untouchable’ in the mang caste, Eknath started his life as a bonded labourer. He described how because of their ‘low-caste’ status his family had to perform the most menial and degrading jobs such as removing...
Leeds Buddhist Centre
Leeds Buddhist Centre

Notes from an Appealing Buddhist

By Shakyapada on Tue, 28 May, 2013 - 22:51

Notes from an Appealing Buddhist

By Shakyapada on Tue, 28 May, 2013 - 22:51Day 2: Settling in and setting out…

Seven strangers coming together on a Saturday afternoon: Dantacitta, Prakashaka, Sanghamani, Amitasuri, Jamie, Sally and myself. Only Dantacitta and Prakashika, (both from Australia), knew each other well.

It could have been a recipe for chaos: six of the seven had never lived in a Buddhist community or done a Karuna Appeal before. Add in two days of intensive reporting-in and workshopping, then complicate further with meals to cook, jobs to...
