Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Roots In The Earth, Roots In The Sky - Triratna Day Special (The Buddhist Centre Podcast, Episode 440)

By Centre Team on Fri, 31 Mar, 2023 - 12:27

We’re delighted to share a special Triratna Day 2023 podcast episode with you, recorded earlier this week and hosted by our friend Jnanadhara. He’s joined by Saddhanandi and Nagabodhi to discuss the upcoming online gathering of the Triratna Buddhist community, which celebrates its founding in April 1967. 

Saddhanandi and Nagabodhi reminisce about past Triratna Day celebrations, recalling the excitement of travelling in large groups from Glasgow to London or Birmingham for the day or weekend. These events were...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: The Best of Truths

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 18 Sep, 2021 - 06:00

The Four Noble Truths contain the whole of the Buddha’s teaching. They set out a clear and direct vision of the true nature of Reality. In this talk, Jnanadhara unfolds the meaning behind these seemingly simple four pithy teachings. With poetry and personal anecdote, he draws us into the immense depth and mystery behind these teachings and shows us a glimpse of what the Buddha was communicating 2,500 years ago. 

Given at the Dublin Buddhist Centre, January 2020.


Triratna News
Triratna News

New President of Wellington Buddhist Centre

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 27 Feb, 2020 - 16:52

New President of Wellington Buddhist Centre

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 27 Feb, 2020 - 16:52

After a substantial thirty years as the President of the Wellington Buddhist Centre, Nagabodhi handed on this role to Jnanadhara in a beautiful ritual, with rejoicings, meditation and song on Tuesday 25th February. 

Saradarshini, the Chair of the Wellington Buddhist Centre, writes about this significant occasion:

“How fortunate we are! Not only have we had a fabulous President in Nagabodhi for the last thirty years, now we have Jnanadhara, experienced, dedicated, capable and young (ish). And that’s not all! Jnanadhara found the Dharma at the...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Dedication of the new Wellington Buddhist Centre

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 11 Mar, 2019 - 17:53

Dedication of the new Wellington Buddhist Centre

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 11 Mar, 2019 - 17:53

On Tuesday 5th March just over 30 Sangha members, including Vajrajyoti from Auckland and Shamani from Christchurch, crowded into the old Wellington Buddhist Centre reception to ritually mark their move to a new Centre. The move is an important one for the development of the Wellington Sangha - even if it is only 3 metres across the hallway - as it is into a space twice the size, and infinitely more functional, than the current space.

The final move is still a few weeks...