Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

A Symposium of Three Talks on Triratna and Buddhism

By Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 8 Feb, 2018 - 07:13

A group of three excellent short talks given by a selection of the women’s wing of the Order at the 2018 Convention in Bodhgaya, India. The first in a two-part series exploring contemporary views from within the Order of practice, gender, and our teachers, each also a celebration of the equal ordination of women as a core principle in Triratna’s foundations. 

Recorded in February 2018, Bodhgaya, India.

See all posts from the 2018 Convention

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

New Podcast: Maitreyi Interviews Subhuti on 'Women, Men And Angels'

By Candradasa on Wed, 5 Apr, 2017 - 17:37

Following on from his statement of personal regret about the publication of ‘Women, Men And Angels’ and the views expressed in it, here is Subhuti in conversation with Maitreyi, going into detail around that regret, and sharing his thoughts on a very painful episode in Triratna history, including the story of how it all happened. What emerges in the course of the interview is an exemplary look by two good, old friends at how confusion can arise -...

Adhisthana Kula
Adhisthana Kula

Maitreyi Interviews Subhuti on 'Women, Men And Angels'

By Maitreyi on Tue, 28 Mar, 2017 - 16:08

Maitreyi Interviews Subhuti on 'Women, Men And Angels'

By Maitreyi on Tue, 28 Mar, 2017 - 16:08

Following on from his statement of personal regret about the publication of ‘Women, Men And Angels’ and the views expressed in it, here is Subhuti in conversation with Maitreyi, going into detail around that regret, and sharing his thoughts on a very painful episode in Triratna history, including the story of how it all happened. What emerges in the course of the interview is an exemplary look by two good, old friends at how confusion can arise - and how clear...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Women, Men and Angels: an apology

By Munisha on Mon, 6 Mar, 2017 - 13:38

Women, Men and Angels: an apology

By Munisha on Mon, 6 Mar, 2017 - 13:38

Updated March 28th: Watch a fuller video conversation here with Subhuti exploring the details of his regret and his apology in the company of his good friend Maitreyi.

Parami is one of the Triratna Buddhist Order’s two Order convenors. She writes:

“In 1994, a book called Women, Men and Angels was published, with the subtitle: ‘An inquiry into the relative spiritual aptitudes of men and women’. It was written by Subhuti, a senior Triratna Order Member,...

Adhisthana Kula
Adhisthana Kula

Women, Men and Angels: A Personal Statement by Subhuti

By Subhuti on Fri, 3 Mar, 2017 - 14:07

Women, Men and Angels: A Personal Statement by Subhuti

By Subhuti on Fri, 3 Mar, 2017 - 14:07

Introduction by Parami
In 1994, a book called ‘Women, Men and Angels’ was published, with the subtitle: ‘An Inquiry into the Relative Spiritual Aptitudes of Men and Women’. It was written by Subhuti, a senior Triratna Order Member, with the intention of elaborating on an impression or ‘idea’ that had originally come from Sangharakshita. While I am sure this was not Subhuti’s intention, the book had a painful effect on many people – especially women – even causing some to...

Clear Vision Trust
Clear Vision Trust

Gender Diverse Buddhists

By Amaradaya on Thu, 23 Feb, 2017 - 15:31

Gender Diverse Buddhists

By Amaradaya on Thu, 23 Feb, 2017 - 15:31

In December 2016, the Triratna Gender Diverse group met for a day of study and sangha at the Sheffield Buddhist Centre. Kamalanandi shares his own story of transitioning, and explains how and why the group was set up.

Triratna News
Triratna News

First gender diverse retreat for Adhisthana and Triratna

By Munisha on Tue, 18 Oct, 2016 - 13:33

First gender diverse retreat for Adhisthana and Triratna

By Munisha on Tue, 18 Oct, 2016 - 13:33

13th-15th May this year saw Adhisthana host the first ever weekend retreat for Triratna’s gender diverse sangha. Kamalanandi was there. (Apologies for an email mixup which has delayed publication of his report.)

“The retreat was led by a team of four Order members, some of whom had been instrumental in establishing the Triratna Gender Diverse Buddhists’ Facebook group, from which this retreat emerged.

Our theme was “Mind body bardo” and we had a few short...

Triratna International Council
Triratna International Council

Meeting The Needs Of The World - Bright Spots

By Candradasa on Thu, 4 Aug, 2016 - 20:15

Meeting The Needs Of The World - Bright Spots

By Candradasa on Thu, 4 Aug, 2016 - 20:15

Following the earlier set of talks about different areas of challenge for contemporary Buddhists in the modern world - at times sobering as we heard evoked strongly the huge needs involved - we get to hear some tales of ordinary communities of practitioners who are doing something creative in response.

Jnanadhara evokes a wonderful climate march in Dublin; Viveka reports on the San Francisco sangha looking together at racial bias; Vajrajyoti describes how a Buddhist recovery movement took...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Gender Diversity In Triratna - The Video Interview!

By Candradasa on Sun, 22 May, 2016 - 23:55

Gender Diversity In Triratna - The Video Interview!

By Candradasa on Sun, 22 May, 2016 - 23:55

The film of Parami’s interview with Kamalanandi and Padmavyuha about gender diversity in Triratna on the occasion of the first residential retreat for gender diverse people in our community. A timely and topical discussion about the issues raised in society generally by changes in awareness around gender – and in a particular Buddhist culture as it expands its sense of itself to be more inclusive and more forward thinking about a crucial area of personal identity. The implications for ideas of...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Gender Diverse Sangha As Buddhists

By Centre Team on Mon, 16 May, 2016 - 17:02

Parami interviews Kamalanandi and Padmavyuha about gender diversity in Triratna on the occasion of the first residential retreat for gender diverse people in our community. A timely and topical discussion about the issues raised in society generally by changes in awareness around gender – and in a particular Buddhist culture as it expands its sense of itself to be more inclusive and more forward thinking about a crucial area of personal identity. The implications for ideas of practice as a...
