Online Meditators
Online Meditators

Tuesday Meditation: This Dewdrop World

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 1 Feb, 2019 - 09:35

Tuesday Meditation: This Dewdrop World

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 1 Feb, 2019 - 09:35

“This dewdrop world 
Is but a dewdrop world
And yet —”

- Kobayashi Issa

Our next series of online meditations will start on Tuesday 12th February at 4pm GMT /  5pm CET / 9.30pm IST / 11am EST / 8.00am PST for five weeks. We will be exploring the Four Mind-Turning reflections, which point to both the fleetingness of life and its preciousness, and remind us of the need to wholeheartedly turn our minds towards practising the Dharma.

Join us on Zoom here:

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Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Tuesday Meditation: This Fleeting Moment

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 2 May, 2018 - 14:51

Tuesday Meditation: This Fleeting Moment

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 2 May, 2018 - 14:51

In this four-week series of Tuesday meditations we’ll explore the Four Reminders. Each reminder points out a reality about our lives that we know on the surface, but tend to forget in the mix of daily life. They are calls to action in a life that is by nature precious and short, reminding us to put our energy into walking the Path.

The sessions will begin at 2:30 ET / 7:30 UK. Each session will begin with...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

A Morning Puja - Four Reminders, Three Terrible Oaths

By sheena on Sat, 26 Sep, 2015 - 13:52

A Morning Puja - Four Reminders, Three Terrible Oaths

By sheena on Sat, 26 Sep, 2015 - 13:52

The Terrible Oaths bit is something that Dayaka added for Buddhafield North to Vessantara’s Morning Puja! 

It’s very helpful and bracing if I pay attention to it…

The Four Reminders
Life has inevitable difficulties. No one can control it all.

This body is impermanent. Death is certain.

The karma I create shapes the course of my life.

This human birth is precious, an opportunity to awaken.

These four reminders
