Tag: financial hardship

Community Highlights
Abhayaratna Trust

Update on support for Order members during the pandemic

By jinavamsa on Thu, 9 Apr, 2020 - 15:31

Update on support for Order members during the pandemic

By jinavamsa on Thu, 9 Apr, 2020 - 15:31

Since March 19th, Abhayaratna Trust, the Order’s care network, has been in touch with Order members around the world who have been experiencing financial hardship as a result of the spread of Covid-19. So far, the charity has given modest grants to 23 Order members living in Mexico, the United States, Spain, India and the UK, and expects to give further grants in the coming months.

The majority of grants have been to those who are self-employed and badly affected by...

Abhayaratna Trust
Abhayaratna Trust

Coronavirus Grants for Triratna Order Members

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 1 Apr, 2020 - 18:21

Coronavirus Grants for Triratna Order Members

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 1 Apr, 2020 - 18:21

The Abhayaratna Trust is responding to the financial hardship resulting from the spread of Covid-19 by offering short term relief through cash grants of up to £500 per Order member as support at this time.

Many Order members are self-employed and the sudden loss of income has left some of them without the resources to pay food and utility bills and with rent shortfalls. Access to state benefits can be too slow or not available in many countries. 