Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

More photos from the Mainland Europe Young Buddhist Convention

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 10 Jul, 2018 - 20:54

More photos from the Mainland Europe Young Buddhist Convention

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 10 Jul, 2018 - 20:54

Some more photos from the Mainland Europe Convention: from a walk around Suryavana’s lands, to the amazing shrine that appears beside the pool for the special puja on the last evening!

See more posts about the Mainland Europe Young Buddhist Convention

Triratna Buddhist Families
Triratna Buddhist Families

Sudaka on Buddhist Practice as a Parent

By Sadayasihi on Sun, 8 Jul, 2018 - 22:04

Sudaka, the Mitra Convenor in the Valencia Buddhist Centre, talks about his experience of Buddhist practice as a parent and discusses how he fits in his meditation practice, the importance of having a supportive partner and how his practice informs his parenting.

Recorded at Suryavana, Valencia, July 2018.

Check out the International Families Retreat (Retiro Internacional De Familias) being held at Suryavana at the end of July.

Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

Conversación de la Convención Europea de Jóvenes Budistas

By Sadayasihi on Sun, 8 Jul, 2018 - 15:24

En esta conversación entre Elena y Eduardo nos comparten un poco de su experiencia en la Convención Europea de Jóvenes Budistas. Esta ocurriendo en Suryavana el Centro de Retiros Triratna de Valencia, en medio de campos de lavanda y de romero, y de un bosque de cipreses, jóvenes de Holanda, Alemania, España, Reino Unido, Francia, Bruselas, México están aqui meditando juntos y compartiendo su inspiración para llevar a sus Sanghas locales. 

Grabado en Valencia, Julio 2018

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

The European Young Buddhists Convention Is Underway!

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 7 Jul, 2018 - 14:03

The European Young Buddhists Convention Is Underway!

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 7 Jul, 2018 - 14:03

The second Mainland Europe Young Buddhist Convention has started in Suryavana Retreat Centre! 

+ follow this space where we will be posting up the talks, interviews and more, internet connection permitting!

For daily pics, videos and stories: follow us on...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Spanish sangha gets its first retreat centre!

By Munisha on Tue, 23 Aug, 2016 - 16:39

Spanish sangha gets its first retreat centre!

By Munisha on Tue, 23 Aug, 2016 - 16:39

Things are getting exciting for Valencia Buddhist Centre, Spain: they’re buying Triratna’s Spanish sangha’s first-ever retreat centre. Moksananda’s video gives a good impression of its flavour (4-minutes).

Puzzled? Haven’t we already got two Spanish retreat centres, Akashavana and Guhyaloka? Yes, but they’re owned by British charities and their retreats - international and largely English-speaking - are for the Order or are closed ordination retreats. This one will be owned and run by Spanish people, in Spanish for the Spanish Order and Movement more generally.

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

India Boo # 8 - Boo Español!

By Candradasa on Fri, 22 Feb, 2013 - 04:47
Parami entrevista a Saddhajoti (Mexico), Vajranatha (España) y Dharmakirti (España-Argentina) sobre su experiencia de la reunión del Consejo Internacional de la Orden Triratna, que tuvo lugar en Nagaloka, Nagpur.

Nos comporten su entusiasmo por la Orden y el gusto de haber participado en la communidad espiritual que formó el grupo de los delgadas que asistieron a la reunión.
