Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: The Buddha's Decision to Teach

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 3 Jan, 2019 - 11:00

Today’s FBA Dharmabyte is called The Buddha’s Decision to Teach by Parami excerpted from the talk Out of Compassion for the World given at our International Retreat at Taraloka, May 2008.

The Buddha realised full well how hard it was going to be to communicate what he had discovered to other people - to us. He knew that the grip of greed, hatred and delusion is very strong. He could imagine how vexatious it might...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: What is actually happening?

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 19 Jun, 2018 - 14:00

In this FBA Dharmabyte Arthapriya creatively explores the question: What is actually happening?

Arthapriya explores the Buddhist understanding of what we call reality, and how it is less common sensical than we might imagine. In particular, he questions how much our ‘outside world’ is in fact so strongly conditioned by our state of mind. Covering karma, emptiness, impermanence and galaxies, this is a wide ranging talk!

From the talk ‘The Nature of Reality‘ of a series of three talks entitled...

Windhorse Publications
Windhorse Publications

Anālayo on Compassion and Emptiness

By Windhorse Publi... on Thu, 7 Jan, 2016 - 11:34

Anālayo on Compassion and Emptiness

By Windhorse Publi... on Thu, 7 Jan, 2016 - 11:34

Anālayo, professor of Buddhist Studies at the Sri Lanka International Academy in Pallekele, teaches at the Center for Buddhist Studies of the University of Hamburg and researches at the Dharma Drum Buddhist College in Taiwan. He has drawn on his extensive research into early Buddhism to present Compassion and Emptiness in Early Buddhist Meditation, our featured title this month. Sharon Salzberg, author of Real Happiness and co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society, comments, ‘Serious meditation students will benefit...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabytes: The Heart Sutra – Sunyata

By Rijupatha on Tue, 18 Mar, 2014 - 23:25
Our FBA Dharmabyte today is a short talk by Taranita entitled: “The Heart Sutra – Sunyata.” Sunyata is central to the Heart Sutra, and here Taranita discusses this subtle Buddhist teaching – often translated as Emptiness or Voidness. In doing so, amongst other things, he compares Christian transubstantiation with Buddhist insubstantiality.

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Triratna News
Triratna News

In the Seen Only the Seen - Photographs by Vidyasiddhi

By Windhorse Evolution on Sat, 17 Nov, 2012 - 07:30

In the Seen Only the Seen - Photographs by Vidyasiddhi

By Windhorse Evolution on Sat, 17 Nov, 2012 - 07:30Vidyasiddhi has created a fascinating exhibition of photographs titled ‘In the Seen Only the Seen’. It is currently on display where he works, at Windhorse:evolution in Cambridge, UK. All the images can also be viewed online, here and are available to buy as prints. Vidyasiddhi writes of his work:

By really looking, purely and openly, we can move beyond ideas about form, towards the true nature of form, which is emptiness. This is looking as a...
'In the Seen Only the Seen'
'In the Seen Only the Seen'

In the Seen Only the Seen - Photographs by Vidyasiddhi

By Windhorse Evolution on Thu, 15 Nov, 2012 - 11:35

In the Seen Only the Seen - Photographs by Vidyasiddhi

By Windhorse Evolution on Thu, 15 Nov, 2012 - 11:35
I make photographs because my eye observes a pattern of shape, colour, light and form, an abstract arrangement, a design. I involve my calculating mind as little as possible. If I can see the world as it is, I may move beyond views of it and find its emptiness. When I am shooting I try to let go of intellectual searching and questioning, and allow the image to come to me, looking with the interest and openness...
