Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Our First Original eBook: A Buddhist Cancer Memoir by Suvarnaprabha (Suvanna Cullen)

By Candradasa on Fri, 17 Oct, 2014 - 19:16

Our First Original eBook: A Buddhist Cancer Memoir by Suvarnaprabha (Suvanna Cullen)

By Candradasa on Fri, 17 Oct, 2014 - 19:16Just over a year ago, our friend Suvarnaprabha passed away in the company of her friends from the San Francisco Buddhist Center. Some readers may recall our coverage of Suvarnaprabha’s last few months in which she generously shared much of her process of dying as a way to encourage people to meet their own mortality in the light of the Dharma.

Suvarnaprabha kept a great blog to document the ups and downs of...
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

The Making of Seven Papers by Subhuti with Sangharakshita

By Candradasa on Fri, 12 Apr, 2013 - 22:27

The Making of Seven Papers by Subhuti with Sangharakshita

By Candradasa on Fri, 12 Apr, 2013 - 22:27If you haven’t seen it yet you can now get hold of a definitive collection of seven papers by Subhuti with Sangharakshita, outlining and reaffirming the approach to the Dharma that underpins the Triratna Buddhist Community. It’s a rather magisterial undertaking, even by Subhuti’s standards, and worth celebrating as both an important source text for Triratna and as a spur to conversation and debate within the community at large.

Quite apart from all the sustained work that...
Triratna News
Triratna News

A Buddhist Manifesto

By Candradasa on Mon, 30 Jul, 2012 - 12:31

A Buddhist Manifesto

By Candradasa on Mon, 30 Jul, 2012 - 12:31News of an important new booklet by Subhuti, ‘A Buddhist Manifesto: The Principles of the Triratna Buddhist Community’. You can read it online, download the free eBook, or order an inexpensive printed copy today.

For the past couple of years, Subhuti has been re-exploring and re-clarifying with Sangharakshita the core principles of Buddhist practice as exemplified in the teaching and collective life of the Triratna...
