Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Checking In From The Indian Order Convention

By lokeshvara on Tue, 14 Oct, 2014 - 17:45

Checking In From The Indian Order Convention

By lokeshvara on Tue, 14 Oct, 2014 - 17:45Greetings from Bordoran retreat centre near Nagpur in India. The Indian convention is underway and going very well with 200 order members from all over India. There is a programme of meditation, talks and discussion, with pujas every evening.

Yesterday thunder and rain brought some cooler air. The grasses and flowers are full of butterflies and the air is filled with bird song. In the evening the full moon bathed the convention in yellow light as we sat in...
Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

North American Convention 2014: Rijupatha's Ordination

By Candradasa on Thu, 18 Sep, 2014 - 14:20

North American Convention 2014: Rijupatha's Ordination

By Candradasa on Thu, 18 Sep, 2014 - 14:20
We got off to the best of starts last night at the 2014 North American Trirtana Buddhist Order Convention - with the ordination of Eric Wentworth (part of The Buddhist Centre Online/Free Buddhist Audio team!) as Rijupatha. ‘Riju’ is ‘ethical uprightness’ and ‘patha’ is ‘Path’. A perfect lead-in to four days of practice and exchange to...
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Convention Boo No. 1 - An aural sampler of first night!

By Candradasa on Mon, 25 Feb, 2013 - 00:14
From all over the world members of the Triratna Buddhist Order have come to Bodh Gaya in Bihar, India to celebrate their community and sense of shared aspirations and values. From the traditional mythic seat of the Buddha’s Enlightenment we’ll have a week of coverage as all these women and men from many cultures re-dedicate themselves to the task of facing down suffering and engaging with the best in each other and in the world.

Here’s a first smorgasbord...
