Triratna International Council
Triratna International Council

International Council Newsletter - Autumn 2019

By akasajoti on Sun, 17 Nov, 2019 - 21:15

International Council Newsletter - Autumn 2019

By akasajoti on Sun, 17 Nov, 2019 - 21:15

Follow this link to the latest International Council Newsletter. It includes an introduction to the International Council, it’s history and purpose; a report of the 2019 meeting; the emerging priorities for the three strands - the College, the Order, and the Movement; an update on the International Council and Sikkha Project teams; and a personal perspective on the International Council from one of it’s members.

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Coming Together in Community

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 7 Nov, 2019 - 14:00

Here Padmavajra discusses the Sangharavastus and the Pratisamvids - a compassion aspect and a wisdom aspect of the Bodhisattva’s aspiration to create community as a condition for Enlightenment.

From the talk Freedom From Polarization given at the Croydon Buddhist Centre in January 2019.

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Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Podcast: Community - With Your Own Front Door

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 27 May, 2019 - 15:26

So it’s community - but with our own front door

The Suvana (meaning ‘happy realm’) project aims to develop Buddhist co-housing in Cambridge, UK. It will be newly built, sustainable, low carbon footprint development, with the community inspired by Buddhist values.  

Here’s a conversation with Tejasvini and Jeremy Peters, both involved in the project, discussing co-housing as a response to the housing crisis, their plans for sustainable features, affordability, Buddhist almhouses and more. 

Visit the ...

Portsmouth Buddhist Center
Portsmouth Buddhist Center

A Vision for the Future of PBC is Taking Shape - Be part of it!

By viriyalila on Sat, 25 May, 2019 - 17:35

A Vision for the Future of PBC is Taking Shape - Be part of it!

By viriyalila on Sat, 25 May, 2019 - 17:35

At our Vision Fest on March 31, a large segment of the Sunday sangha took inspiration from Triratna Buddhist centers around the world and began to envision what a new home for the Portsmouth Buddhist Center might look like. We brainstormed a wide range of features we would like to see in our own space as well as activities we’d like to have going on there. A beautiful shrine room and more opportunities to meditate, yoga, a library and bookstore,...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Living out Buddhist values

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 9 Apr, 2019 - 14:52

Living out Buddhist values

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 9 Apr, 2019 - 14:52

Since announcing the project in Triratna News last September, the project to develop Buddhist cohousing in Cambridge, the Suvana Cohousing Project, has continued to gain momentum.

Their vision is to build a new type of community, where 20-30 households create a beautiful place with a mixture of dwelling types all benefiting from shared facilities and minimal impact on the earth’s resources.

Although they have yet to find a development site, the group of Order Members and Mitras who are involved in the Suvana cohousing...

Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Opportunity for a new men's community in Scotland

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 2 Apr, 2019 - 14:39

Opportunity for a new men's community in Scotland

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 2 Apr, 2019 - 14:39

Amarapala is exploring the possibility of establishing a new small community in Dalgety Bay, Fife (35 minutes from Edinburgh by train).

Details of the house and the location

If you are interested please get in touch with Amarapala: dh.amarapala[at]

Buddhist Voices
Buddhist Voices

50 Years, 50 Voices: Megha (Highlights)

By Satyalila on Thu, 20 Sep, 2018 - 03:17

I knew I needed to have people who could reflect back, if I neglected what it was that I might need, as well as what the situation needed.

Megha’s Annals

In 1968 I was 15 years old, at secondary school, sitting the first major exams at the end of that year. Living with my younger sister, parents and two pets in a valley-suburb 10 miles from Wellington, New Zealand.

In 1978 I was in the middle year of Occupational Therapy training in the Wellington area. I’d...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Suvana Co-housing Project in Cambridge

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 12 Sep, 2018 - 10:46

Suvana Co-housing Project in Cambridge

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 12 Sep, 2018 - 10:46

A group of Order Members and Mitras from the Cambridge Sangha have been meeting for about nine months with the vision of creating a different kind of community.  They have formed the Suvana co-housing project - ‘Suvana’ meaning ‘happy realm’.

Tejasvini (chair of the project) writes: “We imagine living separately (own front door) but together (in the same street or square), with many other shared facilities.

It will be newly built, sustainable, low carbon footprint, the community inspired by...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: A Network of Relationships

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 23 Jul, 2018 - 12:19

This FBA Dharmabyte podcast today is called ‘A Network of Relationships’ by Abhayanandi.

The Buddha famously said that fellowship is the whole of the spiritual life. Is that really true?! Abhayanandi has been following this teaching notably by living in a residential Buddhist community and working in a team-based right-livelihood business. Hear her inspirational and hard-won reflections on Living Sangha.

From the talk entitled “Living Sangha.

Subscribe to our Dharmabytes Podcast.

Portsmouth Buddhist Center
Portsmouth Buddhist Center

Dharma Day and Regional Sangha Picnic

By viriyalila on Thu, 28 Jun, 2018 - 15:08

Dharma Day and Regional Sangha Picnic

By viriyalila on Thu, 28 Jun, 2018 - 15:08

July 21, 2018

Dharma Day Program: 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Sangha Picnic: 1 pm - 4 pm

Join us for an epic Dharma Day puja that will invite us to pay homage to the Dharma as it has arisen through time. The program will be a ritualized journey through the Three Yanas. We’ll begin with stories from the Pali Canon, followed by readings on the Six Paramitas and culminating in meeting the Buddha’s and Bodhisattvas whose mantras we chant to close the sevenfold puja.  

The morning program will be followed by a Regional Sangha...
