Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

#EthicalChristmas: Jai Bhim International - Give Them Shelter!

By Centre Team on Wed, 26 Nov, 2014 - 19:46

#EthicalChristmas: Jai Bhim International - Give Them Shelter!

By Centre Team on Wed, 26 Nov, 2014 - 19:46We’re delighted to welcome as partners in our #ethicalchristmas campaign the wonderful team at Jai Bhim International.

Although they won’t sell you something for Christmas, they’ll certainly do something amazing with your money when you give someone you love the gift of supporting Jai Bhim’s inspiring new Give Them Shelter appeal to build a dormitory for girl students in India.

Support Give Them Shelter

Jai Bhim International is a...
Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

#EthicalChristmas: Money, Ethics, and Dharma Practice - A New Campaign on The Buddhist Centre Online

By Candradasa on Wed, 8 Oct, 2014 - 17:00

#EthicalChristmas: Money, Ethics, and Dharma Practice - A New Campaign on The Buddhist Centre Online

By Candradasa on Wed, 8 Oct, 2014 - 17:00A couple of months ago I was sitting in a room at Adhisthana, listening to my friend Mokshini speak very movingly about some quite profound shifts in her own sense of Dharma practice. She talked about having newly considered in her own life the sorts of issues raised by Triratna’s participation in Buddhist Action Month every year: environmental concerns, economic questions, all manner of socially engaged topics relevant to anyone looking to explore the...
Triratna News
Triratna News

A Dhamma revolutionary wedding in India

By Munisha on Wed, 19 Mar, 2014 - 00:20

A Dhamma revolutionary wedding in India

By Munisha on Wed, 19 Mar, 2014 - 00:20Shakyajata writes: “Dr B.R. Ambedkar, the great leader of the ‘outcaste’ (or ‘Dalit’) people of India, recommended in many of his writings a very specific way to put an end to the ‘hell of caste’ from which so many people still suffer in modern India. This ‘infallible’ method, he said, was exogamy: inter-caste marriage.

On 13th February, a Triratna marriage took place in India which was inter-cultural, even inter-racial, as well as inter-caste.

Tarun and Daya had...
