Triratna Women
Triratna Women

International Women's Day 2021: Chandrasiddhi

By Chandrasiddhi on Fri, 12 Mar, 2021 - 12:55

International Women's Day 2021: Chandrasiddhi

By Chandrasiddhi on Fri, 12 Mar, 2021 - 12:55

Chandrasiddhi (Ella cuyo poder espiritual es como el de la luna).

Hola a todos, qué bello poder compartir con ustedes, muchas gracias. 

Fui ordenada públicamente el 23 de abril en el Centro Budista de la Ciudad de México.

Vivo en la Ciudad de México con mi esposo. Vivimos en un departamento diminuto cerca de la casa de mis padres. Por el momento no tenemos mascotas en casa, pero...

Triratna Women
Triratna Women

International Women's Day 2021: Danayutta

By Danayutta on Fri, 12 Mar, 2021 - 08:20

International Women's Day 2021: Danayutta

By Danayutta on Fri, 12 Mar, 2021 - 08:20

I was ordained in 2016, at Akashavana in Spain. I live in the east end of London in the United Kingdom with my husband, Manjusiha who is also in the Order. We have a little flat that is close to the London Buddhist Centre. Until recently I worked at the London Buddhist Centre, and now I work for FutureDharma Fund as their Finance Director. I really enjoy my job - it’s a context of integration of my Buddhist values and my finance...

Triratna Women
Triratna Women

International Women's Day: Saradarshini

By saradarshini on Thu, 11 Mar, 2021 - 17:38

International Women's Day: Saradarshini

By saradarshini on Thu, 11 Mar, 2021 - 17:38

I was ordained in 2007 in Golden Bay, Aotearoa New Zealand. I live in a vibrant suburb in Wellington, about half an hour walk to our Buddhist Centre and 45 minutes’ walk into the city. I live with my long-term non-Buddhist partner, we met in 1980!

As Chair of the Wellington Buddhist Centre, I spend most of my days organising Centre activities and meeting people. I meditate and walk and spend time being part of life in my...

Triratna Women
Triratna Women

International Women's Day 2021: Bodhikamala

By Bodhikamala on Thu, 11 Mar, 2021 - 14:13

International Women's Day 2021: Bodhikamala

By Bodhikamala on Thu, 11 Mar, 2021 - 14:13

I’m Bodhikamala. I’m 32 years old and I live in Mexico. I was ordained in 2017 with other 6 beautiful and courageous women. At the moment I live with my husband, also an Order member, inspiring and hardworking, named Ruchiramati, and a lovely dog called Coco.

At the moment, I’m the Chair of Toluca Buddhist Centre; Toluca is a large city located to the west of Mexico City, right in the middle of the country. I love spending...

Triratna Women
Triratna Women

International Women's Day 2021: Vandika

By Vandika on Thu, 11 Mar, 2021 - 10:51

International Women's Day 2021: Vandika

By Vandika on Thu, 11 Mar, 2021 - 10:51

Hi, my name’s Vandika and I was ordained in 2006 in Dunkeld, Scotland, with many other women from around the world.  I live in Somerset, south west UK and, after many years living alone or in communities, now live with my partner. We both have “Long Covid” after catching the virus a year ago, so we’re supporting each other with that. I work part-time for the Triratna International Order Office, support and care for my elderly mum and try to fit...

Triratna Women
Triratna Women

International Women's Day 2021: Shraddhavani

By shraddhavani on Thu, 11 Mar, 2021 - 08:37

International Women's Day 2021: Shraddhavani

By shraddhavani on Thu, 11 Mar, 2021 - 08:37

I was ordained in 2018 at Akashavana, Spain. I live alone in a small apartment in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, which is on the East Coast of the US about 50 miles north of Boston. I’m retired from paying work but for the past few years have been the manager of the Portsmouth Buddhist Center and part of the teaching team there. I also have family living nearby, including a seven-year-old granddaughter. We formed a family “pod” in December, so...

Triratna Women
Triratna Women

International Women's Day 2021: Viriyalila

By viriyalila on Wed, 10 Mar, 2021 - 17:49

International Women's Day 2021: Viriyalila

By viriyalila on Wed, 10 Mar, 2021 - 17:49

I’m Viriyalila. I was ordained in 2005, and live just north of Boston, Massachusetts (USA). Nine years ago, I embarked on a four-year path of training in traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, an aspiration I had kept close to my heart for nearly twenty years. I now have a thriving acupuncture practice located close to my local Buddhist Center.

When the pandemic emerged we were in the throes of opening our new Buddhist Center. I found it...

Triratna Women
Triratna Women

International Women's Day 2021: Moksadhi

By Moksadhi on Wed, 10 Mar, 2021 - 14:14

International Women's Day 2021: Moksadhi

By Moksadhi on Wed, 10 Mar, 2021 - 14:14

My name is Moksadhi. I was ordained at Akashavana, Spain in 2019 and l live at Dhanakosa Retreat Centre in the Loch Lomand and Trossachs National Park in Scotland. There are currently 7 of us on the team, living and working here. My working hours are spent mainly in the office but outside that I love to be outdoors - swimming, strolling, running, hiking, drinking tea. I also seem to spend a lot of time with friends on zoom!


Triratna Women
Triratna Women

International Women's Day 2021: Parami

By parami on Wed, 10 Mar, 2021 - 11:27

International Women's Day 2021: Parami

By parami on Wed, 10 Mar, 2021 - 11:27

Hi, I’m Parami and, in 1980, I was ordained on a weekend retreat by Sangharakshita. I live in Glasgow, Scotland on my own in a flat in a high rise block in a very working class area (back to my roots). I’m lucky that 3 other Dharmacharinis (Order Members) live in the same high rise block and, before lockdown, we meditated together a couple of mornings a week. A friend called it a vertical community. My days are varied with different...

Triratna Women
Triratna Women

International Women's Day 2021: Akshobhini

By Akshobhini on Wed, 10 Mar, 2021 - 08:55

International Women's Day 2021: Akshobhini

By Akshobhini on Wed, 10 Mar, 2021 - 08:55

Kia ora, Namaste, my name is Akshobhini, I was ordained 3.5 years ago at Akashavana, Spain. I live in Auckland, New Zealand, where I have lived for the last 10 years. I live with my husband Dh Sujiva and our 8 year old son, Kabir. I am a Dharmacarini (Order member) of British East-African Indian (Gujarati) descent, a mother, and a medical doctor (Paediatrician). I attend a weekly Chapter (Order meeting) and have a creative practice of making malas in...
