College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Chairs' Letter - April 2021

By Amrutdeep on Fri, 30 Apr, 2021 - 18:40

Chairs' Letter - April 2021

By Amrutdeep on Fri, 30 Apr, 2021 - 18:40

Dear Order Members and Friends,

I have asked each of my deputies to contribute to these letters, and it seemed appropriate that Amrutdeep would write this month, from India. Amrutdeep was ordained in 1992 and has been a Public Preceptor for eight years, and I’ve very much enjoyed and appreciated getting to know him as we work alongside each other in the College. He is thoughtful and wise, kindly and ethical, and tireless in his practice of the...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Telling the story of India's Dhamma Revolution in Europe

By Munisha on Wed, 2 Jul, 2014 - 00:02

Telling the story of India's Dhamma Revolution in Europe

By Munisha on Wed, 2 Jul, 2014 - 00:02Amalavajra writes from the India Dhamma Trust, which raises money for the ordination training of Indian Buddhists:

“Amrutdeep, a senior Indian Order member and Public Preceptor, recently completed a successful tour of six Triratna Centres in the Netherlands, France, Belgium and Germany. Coinciding with Buddhist Action Month, his visit fitted the Month’s overarching social action theme very well.

Visiting the sanghas at Metta Vihara, Arnhem, Amsterdam, Paris, Ghent and Essen, he told the story of Dr...