Dates: Friday 19 June- Wednesday 24 June 2020
Cost: £150 (Please note that we don't want money to be a problem, so talk to us if you need to)
10.00-11.30 Yin yoga
16.00-17.30 Meditation workshop.
20:00-21:00 Poetry, reflection Meditation
This June, we are running a five day meditation and yoga retreat based on Yin Yoga Online. Yin yoga is a wonderfully grounding and calming practice complements mediation. Note: there will be no dynamic yoga taught on the retreat.
The schedule will be flexible so that you can effectively do a retreat at home, or if you have other responsibilities, not allowing a full retreat experience, then dip into the sessions that you can manage each day.
The retreat schedule will revolve around two meditation and yoga sessions a day and an evening session based on poetry and reflection to finish the day.
The retreat is a great way to connect with other people and share experience.
Classes will be alternated between Sudaka and Sadhita.
You’ll need a computer, tablet or ipad (or phone minimum) and reasonable internet connection. We are currently debating which platform to use given the current issues with Zoom.
Keep in mind we will limit the number on both events to 12 to allow for good participation.
To book - fill in our Application form and we will get straight back to you