Sadayasihi's picture

FBA Podcast: The Art of Ritual and Descent

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 1 Dec, 2018 - 13:00

In this week’s FBA Podcast, Bhadra introduces the archetypal magician, Padmasambhava, in a talk called The Art of Ritual and Descent, given at a day for men in Bristol, UK. He uses episodes from the magician’s life to illustrate how engaging the imagination through ritual and being willing to make the journey of descent are key elements of a fruitful practice.

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karunadhi's picture

With Gratitude, love and respect OM

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Sat, 1 Dec, 2018 - 08:32

With Gratitude, love and respect OM

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Sat, 1 Dec, 2018 - 08:32

Dear Bhante,

It has been a bit of a shock that you died, I know that might sound strange. Anyway it has been a very unusual experience for me of both presence and absence. I am currently at Adhisthana and the AOWE there does seem to be an absence of your physical body although presence in some other form.

I wanted to write to express my gratitude which I was very lucky to have also expressed to you again when I last you...

Amoghavajra's picture

With deep gratitude.

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Sat, 1 Dec, 2018 - 05:11

With deep gratitude.

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Sat, 1 Dec, 2018 - 05:11It’s very hard to imagine what my life would have been like if I hadn’t come across the Glasgow Buddhist Centre just over forty years ago. As a naively enthusiastic young man it was my good fortune to meet Bhante first through his talks and the order members inspired by his teaching the Dharma, then later more personally through individual meetings and in 1982 through ordination. That ordination, witnessing, gave me a tremendous confidence to practice a Buddhist Path -...
Windhorse Publications's picture
Windhorse Publi...

Transformative New Books in 2019

From Windhorse Publications on Mon, 26 Nov, 2018 - 16:18

Transformative New Books in 2019

From Windhorse Publications on Mon, 26 Nov, 2018 - 16:18

We have exciting news.

Our production team, led by Michelle, has been hard at work on four meaningful new books for 2019. These books focus on inner reflection and transformation.

If you feel these books are important to you and the world, please consider sponsoring a book. It is a difficult time for independent publishers to stay afloat. Help and support from our readers goes a long way.

Meet our upcoming books:


Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: An Encounter With Padmasambhava in Darjeeling

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 29 Nov, 2018 - 13:00

Today’s FBA Dharmabyte is a recollection from Sangharakshita called An Encounter with Padmasambhava in Darjeeling. Padmasambhava, often known as the ‘Second Buddha’, is famous for converting the demons of Tibet. In this lecture we are given a brief biography of Padmasambhava and an outline of the progressive Nyingmapa practices attributed to him.

N.B. Poor original recording. From the talk Padmasambhava: Tantric Guru of Tibet, given in 1972.

Subscribe to the Dharmabytes podcast

Prajnamati's picture

Voices from the Insight Inquiry Project: Padmolka

From Order Insight Inquiry on Fri, 30 Nov, 2018 - 14:28

My meditation practice in that time was focussed on direct experience: I would sit for a while and then would look – and what was seen was fabrication! That was clearly seen: this fabrication making something out of direct experience that actually wasn’t in direct experience. Really clearly seeing that was liberating: it was liberating – the energy that went in to that – there was this visceral feeling of release and joy in that release of the energy that

jyotika's picture

Initiation into a New Life - Revised Version November 2018

From Shabda Articles on Fri, 30 Nov, 2018 - 12:32

From Subhuti

This second revision of An Initiation into a New Life marks the culmination of a process in which we’ve sought a formula for the way in which meditation practices are taken on during the private ordination ceremony. We have wanted to do justice to a number of concerns, three of which were addressed in the first version of the paper: 

1.To move decisively away from the context of Tantric Initiation, especially as found in the Tibetan tradition.

2. To make sure that whatever practice...

jyotika's picture

Initiation into a New Life - Revised Version November 2018

From College of Public Preceptors on Fri, 30 Nov, 2018 - 11:45

This post contains the final version of Initiation into a New Life. 

The introductory notes, written by Subhuti, give an explanation as to the necessity for this iteration.

With metta,
Assistant to the College of Public Preceptors

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Sangha Day Talk, 2018

From Manchester Buddhist Centre on Fri, 30 Nov, 2018 - 00:00
In this talk on Sangha Day at Manchester Buddhist Centre, Vishangka uses Sangharakshita's poem, The Sunflower's Farewell, as a starting point to reflect on the power and beauty of Sangha. This talk was given shortly after Sangharakshita's death.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Sangha Day Talk, 2018

From Manchester Buddhist Centre on Fri, 30 Nov, 2018 - 00:00
In this talk on Sangha Day at Manchester Buddhist Centre, Vishangka uses Sangharakshita's poem, The Sunflower's Farewell, as a starting point to reflect on the power and beauty of Sangha. This talk was given shortly after Sangharakshita's death.
