Sadayasihi's picture

Public Ordinations at Akashavana 1st June 2019

From Triratna News on Sat, 1 Jun, 2019 - 18:57

Public Ordinations at Akashavana 1st June 2019

From Triratna News on Sat, 1 Jun, 2019 - 18:57

We are very happy to let you know the names of the Dharmacharinis ordained today.

Public Preceptor Parami

Lynne Thompson Campbell becomes Dhicitraka, a Sanskrit name meaning “She who paints wisdom” (long first ‘i’, long last ‘a’).
Westernised spelling Dhichitraka.
Private Preceptor Amritamati.

Ania Markiewiecz becomes Saddhajala, a Pali name meaning “Flame of Faith” (long second, third and fourth ‘a’s).
Westernised spelling Saddhajala.
Private Preceptor Saddhanandi.

Gerry Beasley becomes Danabhaya, a Sanskrit / Pali name meaning “She whose generosity makes her fearless” (long first,...

Sadayasihi's picture

Public Ordinations at Akashavana 1st June 2019

From Triratna News on Sat, 1 Jun, 2019 - 18:57

Public Ordinations at Akashavana 1st June 2019

From Triratna News on Sat, 1 Jun, 2019 - 18:57

We are very happy to let you know the names of the Dharmacharinis ordained today.

Public Preceptor Parami

Lynne Thompson Campbell becomes Dhicitraka, a Sanskrit name meaning “She who paints wisdom” (long first ‘i’, long last ‘a’).
Westernised spelling Dhichitraka.
Private Preceptor Amritamati.

Ania Markiewiecz becomes Saddhajala, a Pali name meaning “Flame of Faith” (long second, third and fourth ‘a’s).
Westernised spelling Saddhajala.
Private Preceptor Saddhanandi.

Gerry Beasley becomes Danabhaya, a Sanskrit / Pali name meaning “She whose generosity makes her fearless” (long first,...

punyamala's picture

Public Ordinations at Akashavana 1st June 2019

From Order Connection on Sat, 1 Jun, 2019 - 18:54

Public Ordinations at Akashavana 1st June 2019

From Order Connection on Sat, 1 Jun, 2019 - 18:54

Dear Order Members,

We are very happy to let you know the names of the Dharmacharinis ordained today.

Public Preceptor Parami

Lynne Thompson Campbell becomes Dhicitraka, a Sanskrit name meaning “She who paints wisdom” (long first ‘i’, long last ‘a’).
Westernised spelling Dhichitraka.
Private Preceptor Amritamati.

Ania Markiewiecz becomes Saddhajala, a Pali name meaning “Flame of Faith” (long second, third and fourth ‘a’s).
Westernised spelling Saddhajala.
Private Preceptor Saddhanandi.

Gerry Beasley becomes Danabhaya, a Sanskrit / Pali name meaning “She whose generosity makes her fearless” (long...

Sadayasihi's picture

FBA Podcast: Continuous Spiritual Death - Continuous Spiritual Rebirth

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 1 Jun, 2019 - 14:00

Our FBA Podcast this week is entitled Continuous Spiritual Death - Continuous Spiritual Rebirth.

Here Padmavajra speaks about the stages of spiritual death and rebirth. How to prepare for them, how they can be seen in all the stages of the path, as well as where they lead.

Talk given on a Kula Gathering at Padmaloka, 2012.

Subscribe to the FBA podcast

vajrapriya's picture

UK & Ireland Area Convention - booking deadline approaches

From Order Connection on Fri, 31 May, 2019 - 15:53

UK & Ireland Area Convention - booking deadline approaches

From Order Connection on Fri, 31 May, 2019 - 15:53

A Mandala of Awakening

The UK & Ireland Area Convention is being held at Wymondham College, UK, from 6 - 11th August 2019.

The deadline for bookings is approaching: if you would like to attend, please book soon, and before the end of June. The final cut-off date is 18th July, but please book before then if possible, because Wymondham would like a good estimate of numbers to order the food.

The booking site will ask for a £35...

Christine's picture

BAM at Vancouver Buddhist Centre

From Buddhist Action on Fri, 31 May, 2019 - 06:42

BAM at Vancouver Buddhist Centre

From Buddhist Action on Fri, 31 May, 2019 - 06:42

The small sangha in Vancouver, BC is joining BAM for the first time this year. In addition to the weekly sangha night program and BAM precepts, we are running a day retreat and a solstice camping weekend retreat. We will join the “No Trans Mountain Pipeline” rally on June 9th, perhaps doing some meditation if appropriate.

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Chanki Sutta

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Fri, 31 May, 2019 - 01:00
A young Brahmin questions the Buddha and receives a teaching about truth and the fundamental importance of faith.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Bhante and the Bodhisattva Spirit

From Community Highlights on Fri, 31 May, 2019 - 00:00
Dayanandi shares how she was encouraged and inspired by Bhante’s teachings on the Bodhicitta spirit. "Bhante encouraging shared collective community the creative conditions challenged us to go beyond us. As we were young and had a lot of energy, we took on Bhante’s task of creating the conditions for the Bodhicitta to arise. It was spiritually nurturing to attend Bhante’s lectures. They were very strong. It was through Bhante’s dedicated, clear mind and friendliness, by him sharing his heartfelt inspiration, it contributed to the energy and spark in our dedication to his vision." This talk was given on 15th April, 2019 at Dharmadhara in California, USA, on a women’s ordination training retreat.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Led Bodhicitta Meditation

From Community Highlights on Fri, 31 May, 2019 - 00:00
Dayanandi leads the Bodhicitta Meditation for Mitras on an ordination training retreat in California in April 2019. She guides with her heart, and with clarity and with her soft, gentle voice. She encourages us to allow connectedness and faith to arise in our hearts. Dayanandi's depth of practice comes through as she encourages us to alleviate the suffering of all beings.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Chanki Sutta

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Fri, 31 May, 2019 - 00:00
A young Brahmin questions the Buddha and receives a teaching about truth and the fundamental importance of faith.
