Ratnaprabha's picture

Five Buddhist Tools for Life in a Challenging World

From North London Buddhist Centre on Fri, 17 Apr, 2020 - 10:04

Five Buddhist Tools for Life in a Challenging World

From North London Buddhist Centre on Fri, 17 Apr, 2020 - 10:04

Buddhism and meditation course with Anandavajra.

11:00-13:00 online, five Saturday mornings from 25 April. Book here (there is a charge).

With so much more adversity and suffering in the world right now, how should we best respond? What are the qualities we most need to develop at this time? Maybe we are needing to find ways to be more active in the world, to go deeper in ourselves.., or both? 

In this course we’ll be exploring the five key qualities that we...

Ratnaprabha's picture

Morning meditation on Saturdays

From North London Buddhist Centre on Fri, 17 Apr, 2020 - 10:01

Morning meditation on Saturdays

From North London Buddhist Centre on Fri, 17 Apr, 2020 - 10:01

10:15 for 10:30 am meditation every Saturday

Suitable for new and experienced meditators. Karunagita leading this week (18 April.)
Zoom login each week.  Donate here, £5 or more suggested.

Ratnaprabha's picture

Imagine a Buddha…

From North London Buddhist Centre on Fri, 17 Apr, 2020 - 09:54

Imagine a Buddha…

From North London Buddhist Centre on Fri, 17 Apr, 2020 - 09:54

Weekly North London Slideshows by Ratnaprabha on images and symbols in Buddhism

11:30 am on Saturdays (except 9 May, see below) after the 10:30 meditation.
Zoom login each week except 10 May is here

Sat 18 April    The Endless Knot: Buddhist Symbols
Sat 25 April    Taming The Bull: a Zen path
Sat 2 May    Meeting the Buddhas
(Sat 9 May    Kusala Talk on Right Livelihood)
Sunday 10 May    (Buddha...

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Emergent Community Online (The Dharma Toolkit Daily, Episode 16)

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Wed, 15 Apr, 2020 - 23:49

We’re several weeks into lockdown and, as we continue to explore the experience of global intentional community, today’s star is the Internet itself.

Our guests discuss the new online contexts for Buddhist practice, evoking the uses of imagination within transitional, liminal spaces. We riff on new emergent forms of practice and modes of engagement that are bringing our community to life in unexpected ways.

We also look at how surprisingly well the early promise of the...

Sudaka's picture

Online Yin Yoga and Meditation Retreat

From Suryavana Retreat Centre on Wed, 15 Apr, 2020 - 11:51

Online Yin Yoga and Meditation Retreat

From Suryavana Retreat Centre on Wed, 15 Apr, 2020 - 11:51

Dates: Friday 19 June- Wednesday 24 June 2020

Cost: £150 (Please note that we don’t want money to be a problem, so talk to us if you need to)


10.00-11.30 Yin yoga 

16.00-17.30 Meditation workshop.
20:00-21:00 Poetry, reflection Meditation

This June, we are running a five day meditation and yoga retreat based on Yin Yoga Online. Yin yoga is a wonderfully grounding and calming practice complements mediation. Note: there will be no dynamic yoga taught on the retreat. 

The schedule will be flexible so that you can effectively do a...

Ratnaprabha's picture

A meditation toolkit for challenging times

From North London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 14 Apr, 2020 - 18:09

A meditation toolkit for challenging times

From North London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 14 Apr, 2020 - 18:09

Tuesday 14 April 19:00-21:00

Visuddhimati will lead an evening exploring how meditation can help us meet the ups and downs of life. The evening will include a session of meditation followed by discussion with some ideas for ways of practising relevant to times of challenge.
Join Zoom Meeting here:  Meeting ID: 538 283 668. 

And a going deeper meditation session every Tuesday from 21 April, 7-9 pm, Zoom link here. Meeting ID: 469 927 879; Password: 975344


Windhorse Publications's picture
Windhorse Publi...

Week 4 of ‘Free the Dharma’: announcing this week’s free eBook

From Windhorse Publications on Tue, 14 Apr, 2020 - 17:27

Week 4 of ‘Free the Dharma’: announcing this week’s free eBook

From Windhorse Publications on Tue, 14 Apr, 2020 - 17:27

As the coronavirus situation rolls out across the world, there has been a proliferation of creativity – everything from amateur dramatics and puns to the broadcasting of art and music. Some high-profile musicians have been live streaming from their bedrooms. 

Art in all its forms allows us to be fully human, to create meaning and to nurture what unites us. That’s why this week’s free eBook is The Poet’s Way by Manjusvara. You can download it here. It will be available until the...

Padmadaka's picture

Ambedkar Jayanti! Support Karuna's Emergency Appeal

From Karuna Fundraisers on Tue, 14 Apr, 2020 - 03:14

Ambedkar Jayanti! Support Karuna's Emergency Appeal

From Karuna Fundraisers on Tue, 14 Apr, 2020 - 03:14

Sanghanath has been connected with Karuna throughout his life. When he was a child he benefited from a Karuna project in his village in India and now he works for the Karuna fundraising team here in the UK

Today is “Ambedkar Jayanti” and, like many people across India and the rest of the world, Sanghanath will be celebrating Dr Ambedkar’s legacy today from home. Ambedkar not only gave India its constitution but he also did so much for the liberation of women,...

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Celebrating Dr. Ambedkar's Birthday Online!

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Tue, 14 Apr, 2020 - 00:02

Celebrating Dr. Ambedkar's Birthday Online!

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Tue, 14 Apr, 2020 - 00:02

To celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Doctor B. R. Ambedkar, one of the great Buddhist leaders of modern times and the radical father of the Indian Constitution, a personal tribute from Sanghanath at the Karuna Trust about his enduring legacy as a champion of social justice for all humans. 

Doctor Ambedkar’s relevance in India to the fight against caste prejudice is stronger than ever, especially amongst the former so-called “untouchable” Dalit peoples now converted to Buddhism to escape...

akasajoti's picture

Nature Reflections from Taraloka

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Mon, 13 Apr, 2020 - 22:11

Nature Reflections from Taraloka

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Mon, 13 Apr, 2020 - 22:11

Steeped in her love of both the natural world and the Dharma, Maitridevi is offering us her ‘nature-thought-for-the-day’ reflections and short meditations every day this week, connecting us with some of the burgeoning spring-time life at Taraloka. She’s calling them ‘a naturalist-Dharma melange’!

You can find them over on Taraloka’s YouTube channel, along with a series of videos of Hridayagita teaching Tai Chi Shibashi, to support you to remain grounded, embodied, and sensitive to the beauty...
