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Free Buddhist Audio

Holding Ourselves Up to the Golden Light

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Sat, 16 Nov, 2019 - 00:00
Saddharaja describes the rainy season in India and its role in the origin of confession practice in Buddhism. He goes on to describe the different kinds of confession practice, their benefits and how they totally differ from confession in other religions. He also introduces the sutra's nexus, Chapter 3 The Chapter on Confession with it's great import and beauty. The second of four talks given during the Open Retreat at Padmaloka Retreat Centre in October 2019.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Compassion In a Chaotic and Dangerous World

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Sat, 16 Nov, 2019 - 00:00
Saddharaja introduces Chapter 18 The Chapter on the Tigress. He explores self-sacrifice as a component of the Bodhisattva Ideal. He goes on to explore compassion and altruism, and how we can develop these by letting go of attachment and hatred, and thereby gaining true freedom. The third of four talks given during the Open Retreat at Padmaloka Retreat Centre in October 2019.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Buddhism, Culture and the Golden Light

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Sat, 16 Nov, 2019 - 00:00
Saddharaja relates his first experiences and impact of Triratna culture on him. He explores the goddess Sarasvati from Chapter 7 of the sutra and the promises she makes to the monk who protects the sutra. This goddess represents culture and learning and the talk explores the cultures Buddhism has flourished in and the future of Buddhism in the world. The last of four talks given during the Open Retreat at Padmaloka Retreat Centre in October 2019.
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Dharmabyte: Catching the Arising of Vedana

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 14 Nov, 2019 - 14:00

Vidyamala explores the crucial place of awareness of vedana if we are to move from reactive states to more creative ones.

From the talk Vedana and Growth given on ‘Gravity and Grace’ Retreat, 2018, at Rivendell Retreat Centre. This talk is part of the series An Exploration of the Satipatthana Sutta.

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Free Buddhist Audio

The Universe Is Expanding: Soulful Reflections On the Human Predicament

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Thu, 14 Nov, 2019 - 00:00
How do you respond to the existential human predicament? Do you wonder how best to balance your spiritual longings while honouring our ordinary human life? In this talk Manjunaga soulfully reflects on this theme. The talk offers a wonderful combination of insightful explorations of deep Dharma themes, such as no fixed self, alongside heartfelt and honest sharing of his own journey as a Buddhist over the last few decades. This talk was given at Sangha Night at the Birmingham Buddhist Centre, November 2019.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Universe Is Expanding: Soulful Reflections On the Human Predicament

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Thu, 14 Nov, 2019 - 00:00
How do you respond to the existential human predicament? Do you wonder how best to balance your spiritual longings while honouring our ordinary human life? In this talk Manjunaga soulfully reflects on this theme. The talk offers a wonderful combination of insightful explorations of deep Dharma themes, such as no fixed self, alongside heartfelt and honest sharing of his own journey as a Buddhist over the last few decades. This talk was given at Sangha Night at the Birmingham Buddhist Centre, November 2019.
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Articles in Shabda, a reminder

From Shabda Articles on Wed, 13 Nov, 2019 - 10:33

I have recently heard that some people are under the impression that articles are no longer included in Shabda. This is not the case; the fact is that only one article has been submitted to Shabda in the past year (Paramananda’s article which appeared in the March Shabda). Contributors to this space are reminded that at present there is no integration between Shabda and this website. If you want your article to appear in Shabda you will need to submit a brief abstract...

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Free Buddhist Audio

India's Dhamma Revolution

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Wed, 13 Nov, 2019 - 00:00
Amoghasiddhi talks about his personal experiences of Buddhism in India, both for himself and the community of ex-Untouchable people who converted to Buddhism with Dr Ambedkar. It was Dr Ambedkar who brought about the rebirth of living Buddhism in India in 1956. As well as converting to Buddhism himself, he initiated hundreds of thousands of others into Buddhism. Dr Ambedkar, like his followers, came from the most downtrodden section of Indian society and Buddhism for him and for them was a means not only of individual liberation but for the transformation of the whole society. The Triratana Buddhist Order continues Dr Ambedkar's work in India. This is the second talk given as part of a very special day at Sheffield Buddhist Centre devoted to the lives of two of the most important and influential Buddhists of modern times: Urgyen Sangharakshita and Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar. Amoghasiddhi is a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order in India.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Living Backwards

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Wed, 13 Nov, 2019 - 00:00
Tantric Buddhism begins at the highest point: Enlightenment. Vadanya explores the yidam visualisation practice, a defining feature of Tantric Buddhism which enables us to live from our future potential rather than letting the past govern how we are. By keeping constant mindfulness on a Buddha or Bodhisattva that embodies Enlightenment for us, we can bring the future into our present experience and live filled with confidence, joy, wisdom and awareness. In a sense, Vajrayana practitioners are like magicians: living backwards, transforming and liberating their minds. This sangha night theme explores the scary, exhilarating, radical and challenging nature of the true Dharma. Over the course of these talks we will be forging a Western tantra to bring the spirit of Vajrayana teachings into our here and now. Questions for reflection and discussion: Is there a Buddha or Bodhisattva figure that you connect with? How would your future self advise you to act today if you could hear them? Recorded at Sheffield Buddhist Centre on 12.11.19
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Free Buddhist Audio

India's Dhamma Revolution

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Wed, 13 Nov, 2019 - 00:00
Amoghasiddhi talks about his personal experiences of Buddhism in India, both for himself and the community of ex-Untouchable people who converted to Buddhism with Dr Ambedkar. It was Dr Ambedkar who brought about the rebirth of living Buddhism in India in 1956. As well as converting to Buddhism himself, he initiated hundreds of thousands of others into Buddhism. Dr Ambedkar, like his followers, came from the most downtrodden section of Indian society and Buddhism for him and for them was a means not only of individual liberation but for the transformation of the whole society. The Triratana Buddhist Order continues Dr Ambedkar's work in India. This is the second talk given as part of a very special day at Sheffield Buddhist Centre devoted to the lives of two of the most important and influential Buddhists of modern times: Urgyen Sangharakshita and Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar. Amoghasiddhi is a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order in India.
