It is with sadness that the Trustees of Clear Vision have announced its closure from September 2020. Over the past 35 years Clear Vision has been a vital part of the FWBO/Triratna Community having documented much of our community's history through video, particularly Newsreels, Triratna Newsbytes, filming Sangharakshita's talks, events and tours, and much more. Clear Vision has also developed the beginnings of a photographic archive and library and video archive, a range of award-winning teaching resources on Buddhism for school children as well as supporting a team-based right livelihood project.
Having developed two important archives for our community: a photographic and a video archive - which are as yet unfinished - the hope is for these two archives to be completed and made available as curated online resources (with the full archives available at Adhisthana). Uddiyana Trust (Urgyen House) has agreed to take ownership and responsibility for these two archive projects with Mokshapriya continuing the work. In addition to this, maintaining the online education resources is being explored - and the remaining stock of education DVDs will be sold by Adhisthana.
We’d like to say a huge thank you to all team members and trustees past and present, all the volunteers who have helped out, all our funders and donors, and all those who have watched and enjoyed the material we have produced over the years. May the work of communicating the Dharma through video continue to thrive, and may our rich archives be widely viewed and valued. - Mokshapriya, Akasajoti, Vishangka and Sanghadhara (Clear Vision trustees and team)
Read the statement from the Trustees of Clear Vision
Subscribe to the website Urgyen House to keep updated with developments in relation to the archive
Visit the Clear Vision website
Please feel free to share your favourite memories, videos, photographs and stories about Clear Vision below - a chance to rejoice in all they have contributed to our community over the years 🙏