Led by Vajradevi
I'm running another online meditation retreat from Saturday 25th September to Friday 1st October 2021. The retreat is aimed at Order Members and Mitras and is offered on a Dana basis.
The emphasis will be on a relaxed, open, and attentive quality of ‘knowing’, receptive to whatever is happening within our experience. We will be cultivating mindfulness that is ‘uncontrived’ and natural and looking to bring ‘right view’ – a wisdom perspective - to each moment of awareness.
I’ll be drawing on my book (same name as the retreat) and particularly looking at how to use awareness and right view to explore, understand, and see through the ways in which we create suffering for ourselves and others.
As with the previous 2 online retreats we hope to offer optional check-in groups and meditation reviews. The retreat can be undertaken as if you were fully on retreat or combining awareness practice with home responsibilities.
Check out my blogsite (uncontrivedmindfulness.net) for more information and to book: http://tiny.cc/vajradevi-retreat
It will be great to see you there in the zoom space