bodhinaga's picture

The Great Steward meets Brahma by Vajratara

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 26 Apr, 2013 - 18:08

The Great Steward meets Brahma by Vajratara

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 26 Apr, 2013 - 18:08Vajratara explores Spiritual Death and Rebirth using the story of Jotipala and his encounter with Brahma. Talk given at Sangha Night, Sheffield Buddhist Centre, on January 29th 2013 as part of a series of talks on myths, stories and symbols.
bodhinaga's picture

Kisagotami - Seeing beyond the Self

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 26 Apr, 2013 - 18:07

Kisagotami - Seeing beyond the Self

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 26 Apr, 2013 - 18:07Suryamati explores Spiritual Death and Rebirth through the story of Kisagotami. Talk given at Sangha Night 22 Jan 2013, at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, as part of a series of talks on myths, stories and symbols.
bodhinaga's picture

Psychology and Buddhism (talk 6)

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 26 Apr, 2013 - 18:06

Psychology and Buddhism (talk 6)

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 26 Apr, 2013 - 18:06The final talk in Advayacitta’s series exploring western thought from a Buddhist perspective.
bodhinaga's picture

My Way into the Metta Bhavana

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 26 Apr, 2013 - 18:03

My Way into the Metta Bhavana

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 26 Apr, 2013 - 18:035 different Order Members give 5 different ways into the Metta Bhavana practice. 5 short talks by Bodhinaga, Satyajyoti, Maitridasa, Khemasuri and Vadanya given at Sangha Night, Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 16th Jan 2013 as part of a series of talks on myths, stories and symbols.
bodhinaga's picture

Theism, Materialism, Ethics and Consciousness (Advayacitta Talk 5)

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 26 Apr, 2013 - 18:02

Theism, Materialism, Ethics and Consciousness (Advayacitta Talk 5)

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 26 Apr, 2013 - 18:02The fifth in a series of six talks given by Advayacitta at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, exploring western thought from a Buddhist Perspective.
bodhinaga's picture

Scrooge and the Magic of Metta

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 26 Apr, 2013 - 18:01

Scrooge and the Magic of Metta

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 26 Apr, 2013 - 18:01Vadanya explores ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Dickens and explains how positive emotion is both essential and transformative. Talk given on 8th Jan 2013 at Sangha Night, Sheffield Buddhist Centre, as part of a series of talks on myths, stories and symbols.
bodhinaga's picture

Symbols of Positive Emotion

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 26 Apr, 2013 - 18:00

Symbols of Positive Emotion

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 26 Apr, 2013 - 18:00Suryamati explores the importance of compassion through myths and symbols of Avalokitesvara. Talk given on 11th December 2012 at Sangha Night, Sheffield Buddhist Centre, as part of a series of talks on myths, stories and symbols.
bodhinaga's picture

Science, Conditionality and Emptiness

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 26 Apr, 2013 - 17:59

Science, Conditionality and Emptiness

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 26 Apr, 2013 - 17:59The fourth of Advayacitta’s series of six talks, exploring western thinking from a Buddhist perspective. Given at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 15th Dec 2012.
bodhinaga's picture

The Power of Metta

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 26 Apr, 2013 - 17:58

The Power of Metta

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 26 Apr, 2013 - 17:58Maitridasa tells the story of the quarrel at Kosambiya and explains the power of metta. Talk given at Sangha Night, Sheffield Buddhist Centre, as part of a series of talks exploring the System of Practice through myths, stories and symbols.
bodhinaga's picture

Looking to the Stars

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 26 Apr, 2013 - 17:54

Looking to the Stars

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 26 Apr, 2013 - 17:54Khemasuri talks about the need for something to look up to in the spiritual life and emotional engagement in practice through intuition, faith and reverence. She shares her passion for the Hubble space telescope and how she sees the Dharma reflected in the cosmos. Talk given at Sangha Night, Sheffield Buddhist Centre, as part of a series of talks on myths, stories and symbols.
