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Free Buddhist Audio

Eight Step Recovery

From Community Highlights on Wed, 12 Feb, 2014 - 00:00
Vimalasara speaks on the importance of loving oneself as a part of recovery from addiction as an introduction to her new book, co-authored with Paramabandhu, entitled 'Eight Step Recovery - Using the Buddha's Teachings to Overcome Addiction'. She goes on to discuss the life conditions that she and Paramabandhu have emerged from, and how those energies came together and inspired the writing of the book. Outlining the eight steps, Vimalasara demonstrates that, while the book was mainly written for those in recovery, it is in some way for everyone. The talk is followed by a question and answer session.
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Free Buddhist Audio

21-Day Meditation For Recovery - Week 1

From Community Highlights on Wed, 12 Feb, 2014 - 00:00
Week one of a 21-day course in meditation to help with recovery. This course accompanies the book 'Eight Step Recovery: Using the Buddha's Teachings to Overcome Addiction' by Paramabandhu and Vimalasara.

Each meditation in this series is about 15 minutes long. It's a bite-sized length, great if you find it hard to make time or if you struggle with longer meditations. The meditations cover a wide range of topics including mindfulness, loving-kindness, ethics, wisdom and mantras. All the meditations have some background music which can help you to stay focused on the subject of meditation.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Budismo y la dimension trascendente

From Centro Budista de Valencia on Wed, 12 Feb, 2014 - 00:00
Más allá de la economia y el crisis que vamos sufriendo hace tiempo, la actualidad espanol y mundial no da tregua. Las desgracias y las polemicas van sucediendo sin fin, hasta el punto de que pueda parecer que la realidad politica y social que vivimos sea la unica realidad.

Pero conviene reconocer y no olvidar otra realidad, una dimension de la vida que conviene relucir para ayudarnos a descubrir el ser humano como un ser espiritual, abierto a la trascendencia.

Como contempla el budismo esta dimension trascendente, que lugar tiene en la vida de un budista y por que es importante desvelarlo?
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Why ordination? Why an Order?

From Tiratanaloka on Tue, 11 Feb, 2014 - 14:08
Last weekend Tiratanaloka hosted a weekend for women mitras exploring why we have an Order and what ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order involves. Listen to Maitreyi’s talk from the weekend - great for those thinking of asking for Ordination, those who are training for Ordination and those who want to ponder the significance of being Ordained!
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Free Buddhist Audio

Kalyana Mitrata

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 11 Feb, 2014 - 00:00
Talk given at the LBC Women's Night Class Thursday February 6th 2014
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Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmic Receptivity Series Week 3

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 11 Feb, 2014 - 00:00
Talk given at the LBC's Dharma Night Class February 10th 2014
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UK South Western Region Dharmacharinis

From Order Connection on Mon, 10 Feb, 2014 - 18:02

UK South Western Region Dharmacharinis (group)

From Order Connection on Mon, 10 Feb, 2014 - 18:02

This is a group for Dharmacharinis living in the South Western Region of the UK & Ireland. It has recently been formed after the Western region split.  It stretches from South Wales to Cornwall. You have to be a Dharmacharini living in the South Western region to see these pages. If you are and you can’t get get on, please contact one of the administrators.

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From TRIRATNA BOUDDHA MAHASANGA (SOUTH/WEST) NAGPUR on Sun, 9 Feb, 2014 - 11:23Mitraday was organised by all the mitraconveners in Nagpuron 2 nd february 2014 for all men and women Dhammamitras around nagpur. Nearly 300men and women dhammamitras were presenton this occasion.. The theme of day was SPIRITUAL RECEPTIVITY. Dhammacharini Vijaya gave talk on this occasion.—NAGKETU
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Simplicity of Lifestyle

From Tiratanaloka on Sat, 8 Feb, 2014 - 23:34
This is a recent talk from Tiratanaloka - given by Amritamati on a weekend retreat in January. She came back from Triratna’s first Anagarika convention in December inspired and enthusiastic about exploring simplicity and contentment for those living in every kind of lifestyle.
