Dhammalata's picture

What Meditation Isn't

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 27 May, 2014 - 12:27

What Meditation Isn't

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 27 May, 2014 - 12:27Hi and hope you are doing well

A couple of links below for you to have a look at

  1. What Meditation Isn’t

2. An International Retreat


The first one’s just a bit of fun (but true) and the second one allows you to have a look at the tail end of an International Retreat that the order that Padmadakini and I belong to has just held. There’s some talks,...
Munisha's picture

Satisfied customers

From International Retreat 2014 on Mon, 26 May, 2014 - 22:40

Satisfied customers

From International Retreat 2014 on Mon, 26 May, 2014 - 22:40One of the study groups began with a bit of reporting-in.

“I’m very loved-up. I’m loving the loveliness - and I’m exhausted!”
“Fantastic event. I never thought I could enjoy myself in such ghastly mud, but it just goes to show…”
“I woke up and could hear various kinds of snoring from the tents all round me. I thought, We’re like pigs, in the mud. I felt everything was just right.”
“This must be the happiest place in the...
Candradasa's picture

Day 3: Round-Up Gallery

From International Retreat 2014 on Mon, 26 May, 2014 - 13:50

Day 3: Round-Up Gallery

From International Retreat 2014 on Mon, 26 May, 2014 - 13:50
Some more great photographs from a bumper crop on Day 3 of the retreat… And if you missed them, here are their companion galleries:

Scenes from a Summer Retreat  |  Portraits

Follow our picture galleries on ...
Munisha's picture

Day 4: Bell-Ringing

From International Retreat 2014 on Mon, 26 May, 2014 - 12:47
The very English sound of bell ringing, from Coddington parish church, close to Adhisthana…

LIsten to a morning cuckoo waking the retreat.

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Dassini's picture

Day 3: An Interview with Sally, Aged 3

From International Retreat 2014 on Sun, 25 May, 2014 - 17:53
Sally and her mum, Vidyasuri, talk about painting, zebras, the Buddha and other International Retreat shenanigans.

Subscribe to our free podcast to get new episodes delivered automatically and access to our back-catalogue.
Candradasa's picture

Day 3: Portraits

From International Retreat 2014 on Sun, 25 May, 2014 - 17:47

Day 3: Portraits

From International Retreat 2014 on Sun, 25 May, 2014 - 17:47
Some more excellent portraits of retreatants from Suvajra and Munisha. 

Follow our picture galleries on InstagramPinterest and Flickr.
Candradasa's picture

Day 3: Scenes From A Summer Retreat

From International Retreat 2014 on Sun, 25 May, 2014 - 16:58

Day 3: Scenes From A Summer Retreat

From International Retreat 2014 on Sun, 25 May, 2014 - 16:58
Some more shots from around Adhisthana as the retreat continues into its third day. With thanks to Suvajra, the LBC, and Munisha. 

Follow our picture galleries on Instagram, ...
Candradasa's picture

Day 3: La Música!

From International Retreat 2014 on Sun, 25 May, 2014 - 16:21

Day 3: La Música!

From International Retreat 2014 on Sun, 25 May, 2014 - 16:21Music on the International Retreat - Mexican/Brazilian style!

Follow us on Vimeo and YouTube.

Munisha's picture

Day 3: Cuckoo!

From International Retreat 2014 on Sun, 25 May, 2014 - 15:19
A delightful recording from the field of a cuckoo waking up the world of the International Retreat at 6:30am this Herefordshire morning…

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sanghadhara's picture

Day 2: Songs by the Fire

From International Retreat 2014 on Sun, 25 May, 2014 - 14:32
A report from last night’s campfire at the 2014 International Retreat. Much song and merriment!

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