vajratara's picture

India Dhamma Trust on tour with the Indian Public Preceptors

The Indian Public Preceptors continue their tour with the IDT.  In this clip they visit the house of Dr Ambedkar where he lived from 1921 - 1922.  Dr Ambedkar has a great significance for not only Indians, freeing many people from the horrors of caste discrimination, but also for Buddhists all over the world.  The India Dhamma Trust supports the Indian Order Members to spread his positive message in India and beyond.  We believe this will impact both Indian...

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Free Buddhist Audio

La Amistad Con Lo Bello

From Centro Budista de Valencia on Sun, 29 Nov, 2015 - 00:00
Charla de Moksananda pronunciada en el Día de la Sangha en que se conmemoró em 25 aniversario del Centro Budista de Valencia
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Free Buddhist Audio

La Comunidad Y La Amistad Espiritual

From Centro Budista de Valencia on Sun, 29 Nov, 2015 - 00:00
Charla pronunciada por Parami en el retiro urbano de 2015 en el que se celebró el 25 aniversario de la fundación del Centro Budista de Valencia.
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Free Buddhist Audio


From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Sun, 29 Nov, 2015 - 00:00
The imperturbable deep blue Buddha, the vajra, the earth-touching gesture, and water
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Free Buddhist Audio

Introduction to Mandalas

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Sun, 29 Nov, 2015 - 00:00
Introducing mandalas, personal mandalas, Triratna Buddhaland, the Five Buddha Manadla and the Greater Mandala
Nandavajra's picture

Short-term Carpentry work in Sydney, Australia

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Sat, 28 Nov, 2015 - 14:55

Short-term Carpentry work in Sydney, Australia

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Sat, 28 Nov, 2015 - 14:55

Short-term Carpentry work in Sydney, Australia

Dharmalata writes:

I’m here in Sydney Australia and am doing an attic conversion in a community house that I own / live in. 

The carpenter doing the work has proved to be very unreliable and it is hard to replace him this side of Christmas.

If there is a carpenter associated with our movement who’d like to come and spend the summer in beautiful Coogee Beach Sydney Australia please contact me urgently.

We can accommodate you and pay you a good hourly cash rate. 

The project...

Candradasa's picture

Keeping The Dragons In Mind

From The Urban Retreat 2015 - November 21-28 on Sat, 28 Nov, 2015 - 02:28

Keeping The Dragons In Mind

From The Urban Retreat 2015 - November 21-28 on Sat, 28 Nov, 2015 - 02:28

This is a blog based on notes for a short talk I gave here on the New Hampshire Seacoast to help launch the Urban Retreat. It was supposed to be about internationality in our spiritual community and the conditions that support it. I hope, in the end, it was.

I’ve been working a lot of late. It’s an amazing privilege - one I’d do well to recall at every opportunity - to get to travel around the Triratna world...

mokshini's picture

Day 8: Transference of Merit and Self-Surrender (Text)

From The Urban Retreat 2015 - November 21-28 on Fri, 27 Nov, 2015 - 20:06

The verse “Transference of Merit and Self -Surrender” expresses the wish that the benefit that we have gained through the efforts of our practice may serve for the benefit of all beings, not just ourselves. It is the last verse of the Triratna Sevenfold Puja

Within Triratna, it is frequently recited at the end of a practice day, a meeting, or a retreat to conclude the event. You may wish to use it to dedicate you efforts for the wellbeing  of all every evening...

padmavajra's picture

Resignation of Dharmachari Uttama

From Order Connection on Fri, 27 Nov, 2015 - 15:08

Resignation of Dharmachari Uttama

From Order Connection on Fri, 27 Nov, 2015 - 15:08

Dear Friends,

Dharmachari Uttama from Finland has informed us that he has decided to resign from the Order. As his Public Preceptor I have accepted his resignation. His resignation letter is provided below.

With metta,


Hello Saddhaloka,

Thank you for the mail, its good to hear from you. 

With this email, I Veli-Pekka Teromaa resign from Triratna Buddhist Order. 

I wish that the order continues to flourish and enables its members to deepen their practice for the sake of infinite sentient beings.

I would like to thank everybody who...

Shakyapada's picture

Every offering a treat

From Leeds Buddhist Centre on Fri, 27 Nov, 2015 - 10:19

Every offering a treat

From Leeds Buddhist Centre on Fri, 27 Nov, 2015 - 10:19

Mandy Sutter takes the biscuit

Thinking about playfulness this week has cast some of my regular activities in a new light.
For instance, when I go out of the house and leave Fable (the dog) I always give her two biscuits. She likes Winalot Shapes. There are six different ones – a star, a flower, a house, a bone, a heart and a fish, all different colours.
Over the last few months I’ve started...
